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Monday, February 1, 2021
Roc Nation Sports
Austin, Texas
8:00 am

"Isn't that right Jay?" Jay heard which snapped him out of his thoughts.

"What?" Jay asked his friend and coworker Emory.

"Where the fuck is your head man?" Emory asked him

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"Where the fuck is your head man?" Emory asked him.

"I'm just thinking about my girl," Jay said as he sat up in his chair.

"You still with that same girl from your hometown?" Emory asked him.

"Fuck you mean 'am I still with the same girl?'" Jay asked him.

"You know what I mean. Don't act like a saint now because she got you whipped," Emory said.

"Nigga, I'm not fucking whipped. You getting outta pocket," Jay told him.

"Then why you thinking about her?" Emory asked him.

"Because she misses me, and she just sounds so sad when I talk to her on the phone," Jay said.

"Nigga, you do too," Emory replied.

"You act like I'm just a little bitch," Jay told him.

"I'm just surprised that you switched up so quick. What happened to your 'fuck these hoes' attitude? You really must be whipped," Emory asked him.

"I'm not whipped nigga. Stop saying that. I'll fire your ass. Don't hate cause I got a girl and you don't nigga," Jay told him as his phone started ringing.

He picked it up to see Beyoncé's picture.

She was always taking his phone and taking selfies

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She was always taking his phone and taking selfies. Not that he minded.

"Look at ya pussy whipped ass over there, smiling hard as hell," Emory said.

"Shut the fuck up nigga," Jay said before he answered her call.

"Hey baby!" Beyoncé said excitedly as soon as he answered.

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