Sixty Two

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Knowles-Carter Residence
Los Angeles, California
11:50 am

Jay walked into Blue's nursery to get her baby bag and Beyoncé's pump so that they could leave for her one-month check up.

He stopped in the doorway when he saw Beyoncé sitting in the rocking chair while she breastfed and rocked Blue. She hummed softly as she enjoyed this time with her daughter.

He just leaned against the doorframe for a while, admiring his favorite girls

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He just leaned against the doorframe for a while, admiring his favorite girls.

He loved them both so deeply and more than anyone. A smile spread across his face as he took in the sight of their beauty and this moment.

Beyoncé had never been more gorgeous to him than she is right here in this moment. She was glowing, and he didn't think there was anything more beautiful or important than what she's doing.

It had been a month since Blue was born, and Beyoncé and Jay were getting adjusted to their new lives as parents.

Their mom's left after the first two weeks, so it was just them now.

They were both tired and sleep-deprived. They stayed up with Blue for many nights, leaving them with only a few hours of sleep.

A new baby on top of wedding planning and housework was far from easy.

In addition to of all their usual household chores, they now had to change diapers, go to her doctor appointments, bathe her, rock her to sleep, play with her, calm her when she cries, burp her, and the list goes on.

Beyoncé was breastfeeding about nine times a day, which was exhausting enough on its own.

Sometimes, it didn't feel like there were enough hours in a day to do everything they needed to do.

Things were hectic and difficult, but they were making it work, and they were actually really happy.

Their family is their first priority. They did their best to make time for each other, and even though it was difficult to do that, it wasn't impossible.

It wasn't possible every single day, but they tried to make sure they had moments alone at least twice a week, sometimes three times a week.

They just had to work harder for it if they wanted to stay in a good place in their relationship. It helped that neither of them was working right now, so they both spent most of their time at home.

When they brought her home, they argued a bit for the first week or so, but they realized that they had to be a team, especially now, because they had to lean on each other more than ever.

She caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of her eye and looked up at him.

"Hi," she smiled.

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