Beauty & The Beast

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This story was already written in my 'wishful thinking' imagines book but since it's spooky season, I decided to add it in here as well for the ones who haven't read it.


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Nas as Ronan•

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Nas as Ronan

Ronan's secret residence
Unknown date and time

Serena struggled to keep the pace up as she was dragged down the hall in Ronan's private home that was miles away from where civilization seemed to be.

Ronan had another big beautiful home that everyone knew about, that wasn't in the middle of nowhere. But on days like today, his secret residence was a place of convenient use.

Ronan and Serena had been butting heads ever since Ronan, along with a bunch of other creatures, moved to Gotham a few years ago from another universe after their world was destroyed.

Gotham was the only place on Earth where supernatural beings existed, and the only place that would accept the creatures with open arms. However, the civilians of the city did have a hard time adapting to the new residents, referring to them as 'The Others', which was the easiest way to separate them in conversations.

Ronan ended up attending the same high school Serena went to, which was also a school for warriors in training. At the time, Serena, who was the daughter of the highly favoured Goddess Isis, was training to be a goddess-warrior just like her mother. And now, here she was three years after graduation, known as one of the top female warriors the city has ever seen.

Ronan, on the other hand, didn't become anything besides a great pain in everyone's ass. He, along with a handful of others, was first introduced as a vampire from the other world. But unlike the rest who seemed to be kind and easy to get along with, Ronan had the most disgusting attitude and almost nobody- no, fuck that. NOBODY liked him, period.

A year after graduation, things started becoming weird around Gotham. Dead bodies would be found every other day. It was obvious these individuals were dying due to vampire feasting, and alot of people knew exactly who was responsible. But he always had an alibi to back him up. How? Nobody knows.

It was stated by the mayor of Gotham when The Others first moved here, that creatures feasting on humans is strictly prohibited and they should only stick to animals. Ronan followed these rules for a bit. But after a while, he stopped caring.

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