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(I hope this hot picture of Cameron makes up for me not updating for like three weeks SORRY I LOVE YOU)

Cameron's POV //

"Now, you tell Jessi that I love her, and that even though my brother is a dumbass-"

"Shut up, Sierra." I chuckled, hanging tightly onto my suitcase.

"You guys can always come back, ya know? You don't have to be complete strangers." Sierra swatted at my head, and I ducked quickly before she could hit me.

I looked over to my smiling mother, and knew she wasn't upset or mad towards neither me or Jessi.

"Let Jessi know that we're not angry, okay? And that we hope her father is okay. She needed to do what she needed to do." Mom smiled, "And I love you baby. Be safe okay? And take care of Jessi."

"Yeah, and don't be such a smartass." Sierra added.

"Sierra." Mom growled, knowing we were only kidding.

I said my goodbyes and waited impatiently for my taxi.


I knew from the moment I arrived at the hospital that I would have these crazy nerves rushing through my body, and that I'd start breathing really hard. I still have to apologize for acting like a complete dick to her. I mean, her father was on the verge of fucking dying, and what do I do? I tell her to leave and not come back because I'm just a fucking angel, right?

The doors automatically opened, and the tension was unbearable. People were staring at me, and I almost forgot why. Not sounding conceited or anything, but I am sort of famous. Ha. ha.

"Cameron?" A nurse asked, and I was almost about to ignore her, "we've been expecting you." She said plainly.

"Okay." I said, matching her low tone.

Is it weird that I'm scared? Jessi sounded nice and all on the phone, but I'm sure she'll be complete hell in person. I know how she is.

The nurse walked me to wherever Jessi was.. I'm guessing.

"It's so nerve wracking with what's happened with Jessi. She doesn't deserve any of this." The nurse sadly said, not looking at me.

"I know. We'll get through it though. We always do." I confidently sighed.

"It's just so hard. Having both of your parents gone." She shook her head, and there for a second I hadn't even realized what she had said.

"Pardon me?" I barely even said.

"Hm?" She confusingly asked, and right now everything in me is hoping I took it the wrong way. 'Having both of your parents gone'

"What do you mean by that?" It's like I've been running for days with my chest rising and dropping at 100 miles per fucking hour.

"I mean Will is unconscious." She said, not even realizing that she made it sound as if he were dead, giving me a literal heart attack. "Oh dear you thought I-"

"Yeah." My jaws tightened, and the anger I had at the moment all faded away whenever I saw Jessi from a distance. It took her a minute until she noticed me walking down the hallway. She was sat in a single chair outside of what I'm guessing is Will's room, and her eyes lit up. At the moment that's all I really needed.

"Hey." She barely even said, engulfing me in the longest, tightest hug I think she's ever given me, and I dropped my bags to wrap mine completely around her.

"I'm sorry." She said in between muffled cries, burying her head in the crook of my neck, "I shouldn't have left so soon and out of the blue."

"Let's talk about that later, okay?" I said, keeping my brave act on, because if I start crying I know she'll start crying too, and I hate nothing more than to see her cry.

She was shaking against me as if she was nervous or something, but I didn't bring it up. But maybe she's not nervous.

"I have a surprise for you." I pulled away from her, softly smiling.

"My charger?" Her eyes widened.

"Yes, but no." I chuckled, "We're staying in a hotel tonight, and Nash called me while I was in the airport, saying him and the boys were coming as well."

"Are you serious?" She lightly said, "That's so great." A tear fell from her eyes.

"I needed a way to apologize to you, and I hope this will make up for it. Well, partially."

"You don't have anything to apologize for, and if anything, you being here will make up for it." She sighed.

"Shut up." I smiled. "I love you, come here." I pulled her into another hug, letting her know she'll always have me. Even though I say things sometimes that I don't mean, she can always count on me to be there for her for whatever reason it is. I love her. I'm in fucking love with her, and I've never been in love.

"So, visiting hours are over, and I am extremely tired and I haven't slept at all." She groaned, "Can we go to the hotel now because it sounds really perfect."

"We can do anything you want." I winked, and seeing the smile appear on her lips was the reassurance I needed to let myself know that everything will be fine.

(Sorry this is so short omg and sorry I haven't updated in like 50 years!!! And for the people who have voted on literally every chapter, I freaking love you so much OMH and I read every comment EVERY SINGLE ONE and I smile because it makes me so happy that you guys are even reading what I write. I'm going to try and write more this week, and as much as I hate to say it, I'm going to end the book in a couple of more chapters sooo be prepared ;) BUT anyways, I love you guys and please continue to vote and comment Bc I love it when you do!!)

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