Chapter 1: lost

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POV: Sam

I woke up that morning in a cold sweat because of the nightmare. The first thing I saw was a boy on a flying black horse fall from the sky. The boys sea green eyes settled on me and he screamed, "No time to explain get on the horse!" It was weird because I swear I've seen him before. Then the scene shifted and all I saw was nothing but black and a voice repeating over and over again, "everything's going to change.... Everything's going to change....." And that's when I woke up.

To the sound of my alarm clock..... Uggghhh school. Of course I'm obviously not going to get up. I mean I already have been 'absent' from school at least 20 times... this month. And by 'absent' I mean skipping, so more like skipping school. It wasn't like this at the beginning of 8th grade. I had some friends... I guess. Till now when ALMOST all of them decided to ditch me for the 'popular' kids like Chelsea and Kelly. Now about that dream-

"Sam! Get going your going to be late for school! Don't keep Jack waiting!" My 'mom' screamed from downstairs. DANGIT Jack! Stupid ADHD I can't continue to get lost in my thoughts like that. Now about Jack, he's the only friend of mine who didn't abandon me, but of course now all my former friends are now making fun of me for it. Jack likes to ditch school with me so I wouldn't be all alone in New York. Which I think is kinda cute.

Anyway I grabbed some jean shorts and a light blue tank top, slipped it on and ran downstairs while pulling my blond locks into a high ponytail. Finally I slipped past 'mom' and I was gone.

When I say 'mom' I mean as in my foster mom so not my real mom. Truth is I never knew my real mom or dad. I've been through foster care for as long as I could remember and I can't even track them down all I've got is my last name- Jackson.

Chapter 1 is done! How did you guys like it? Please comment your feedback!!! This is my first story and I love reading your comments!

Disclaimer: I don't own any off the pjo or hoo characters or their stories.

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