Once upon a swap (chapter 8)

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It's been a couple of days since the library incident and our friends are now pushing forward and letting the past strengthen them so they can have a successful future. Right now our three friends are back at the market helping Eda open up her shop, well Luz is helping, King is busy trying to get the flag and Luke is just watching him fall while listening to music, and Y/n's and baby dragon was out.

King: Weh! [falls off the table] Stupid flag!

Luke: This is sad and entertaining to watch.

King: [points his finger] Silence you! No one shall mock me!

Luke: Uh-huh.

King started stomping his feet and wailing. When he does this Luz walks outside holding a ladder and a wooden sign.

Luz: Luke are you making fun of King again?

Luke: [looks away] Maybe?

King: Yes!

Luke: [looks at Luz] What are you doing anyway?

Luz: [smiles, puts the ladder down and climbs it] It's been a little slow around here, but I've got just the thing to attract customers.

She then puts the sign on top of the "HUMAN COLLECTABLES" sign and taps it. When she does the light glyphs that were around it starts to activate.

Luz: And who doesn't like their name in lights?

A fully winking face Eda appears next to the words "Eda the owl Lady's"

Luz: Is it too subtle?

Luke: [stares at the sign] Define Subtle?

???: Does subtle mean ugly?

The group turns their heads and see Boscha, Skara, and an Oracle track student are standing at the stand.

Luke: Oh great.

Luz: Hi Boscha! Hexsidians! See anything you like?

Bosha: Ew! No! [looks at Luke] Although maybe?

Luke: [sweat drops] (Oh boy.)

Bosha: I'm just here to take an ironic Penstagram next to your weird flashing trash sign.

Bosha summons her scroll and starts to take several pictures.

Luz: It's not funny, Boscha.

Bosha: What are you going to do? Spit your human venom on me?

King: You two have venom? Quick guys started melting faces!

Luz: [kneels down] Even if I could, it's not worth it. You wouldn't understand how to handle teens like her.

Luke: [kneels down] Also if I had venom [sly smile] I would abuse it so much.

Luz: [sweat drop] You're scaring me Luke.

King: [grabs Luz's hoodie] No, I'll show you what to do. [grunts, jumps onto the table] You will tremble before me!

The three students start to smile as they stare at him.

Bosha: Oh he is so cute!

She picks up and hugs King as she summons her scroll again and takes a picture adding a filter. Both King and Bosha had flowers on their heads, Bosha's flowers had eyes on top of them, and their eyes were shining.

Bosha: How much? I have to own him.

Luke: [pretends to think] How much you got?

Luz: Luke!

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