Demon Guard in the Fairy Forest (Chapter 27)

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The scene opens to Hexside academy, students walking around and talking with each other, enjoying another school day. Walking out of one of the classrooms was a familiar black haired boy; Luke Martins. Luke lets out a yawn as he stretches his body, cracking a few bones in the process. He just finished sitting through potion class and he was about to head over to his locker to get his stuff but stopped when he noticed Willow with a sad expression.

Luke: *waves his hand* Hey Willow.

Willow: *jolts when she hears his voice* O-Oh hey Luke.

Luke: Something wrong?

Willow: *waves her head* O-Oh it's nothing!

Luke could tell she was lying. So he just narrowed his eyes as she started to sweat a little from his gaze. Eventually she sighed knowing that lying to Luke wasn't going to work.

Willow: Ok you got me. The teacher assigned everyone to bring back a new plant species to class.

Luke: A new plant species?

Willow: Yes! *groans* I've been trying to figure out what to come up with!

Luke: (How would you come up with anything?)

While Luke was thinking about that, he noticed Willow's said expression. Seeing her down, he couldn't help but feel a little bad for her.

Luke: Want me to help?

Willow: *looks at Luke* Huh?

Luke: I can help you out if you want to/

This caused Willow to slightly blush.

Willow: Y-Yea. I would appreciate it. Do you have any ideas?

Luke: *puts his thumb and index finger under his chin* Hmmm. First we need to get you some inspiration. Just need to find a great place.

Suddenly Luke felt someone put their arm around his shoulder.

Gajeel: Whatsapp Martins?

Luke: Oh Titan damn it.

Yep it was black steel Gajeel. Though this isn't the first time he has been friendly with Luke. Ever since the cave quest, Gajeel has been a lot more friendly towards Luke.

Gajeel: *notices Willow and looks at Luke* Was I interrupting something?

Willow: *blushes and waves her hands* N-No! L-Luke was just trying to help!

Gajeel: He was huh? *looks at Luke* And help with what, if you don't mind me asking?

Luke: Whatever is going through your dirty mind, no that was not it.

Demon: Because if it was, we would be doing "bow chicka wow wow chicka wow wow"

Luke lets out another long sigh. See Gajeel hasn't been his only problem. The little demon inside of his head has been making.... Well unnecessary comments.


Luke was walking around Hexside when out of nowhere a student came crashing into the lockers. He stared at the unconscious student trying to figure out what happened.

Luke: Uhhhh

"I got rejected."

Luke: Oh.

Demon: Ha! This puts the "Worst she can say is no" scenario in a different meaning. Am I right?

Scene changes

Demon: Knock knock?

Luke: *sighs* Really?

Demon: Knock Knock?

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