Offscreen Canon shorts

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Hitting you guys with somethings that happened off screen

Baby Dragon meets Hooty

The baby dragon was running around with the chain in his mouth, trying to find Y/N. He made it to the house. He looked at it curious since he smelled Y/N scent coming from it. He walked up to it and was cut off by Hooty.

Hooty: *hiss* Who are you!?

The baby dragon growled at Hooty as the owl bird demon continued to hiss at him. Hooty then noticed the keychain in the baby's mouth.

Hooty: Wait a second, isn't that Y/N's keychain!? Did you eat Y/N!? I'LL SAVE YOU Y/N!!

Hooty was about to stretch at the baby but was cut off by Zack's spirit.

Zack: Whoa! Whoa! Time out there!

Hooty stopped stretching and looked at Zack.

Hooty: *gasp* A spirit!!

Zack: Uhhh yea. Listen he didn't eat Y/N. Y/N dropped it and he wanted to return it back to him.

Hooty: *squints his eyes* Oooook but I'll keep my eye on him.

Zack: Thanks.

The door opens and baby dragon runs inside, waiting for Y/N to come back.

Does she/he like me or not?

Luz was currently passing back and forth, while Luke was watching her.

Luz: *blushing* It was just a kiss for good luck! Nothing more than that!

Suddenly the scene changes to Y/N walking back and forth, and Luke watching him.

Y/N: I mean yea she kissed me, but was it for good luck or was it something more!

Cuts to Luz

Luz: I'm sure it was, but at the same time maybe I did it cause I wanted to! Maybe I wanted him to know how I felt about him!

Cuts to Y/N

Y/N: Maybe it was a confession, or maybe not!

Cuts to both of them

Y/N/Luz: Ugh! I don't know! *looks at Luke* Help me out here!

Luke was staring at them with a bored expression. See this discussion happened at different times. It was first with Luz then it was with Y/N. He was more annoyed when it happened with Y/N though.

Luke: *pinches in between his nose* Ughhh. Look, I don't know.

Y/N/Luz: Oh come on! You have to help me here!

With Luz

Luke: Look, you said you kissed him for good luck, now you're questioning it. Isn't that like a sign or something?

Luz looked down with a blush and twiddled her fingers.

Luz: *blushing* I-I don't know *looks at Luke sheepishly* Maybe?

Luke just facepalms at the latino girl

With Y/N

Luke: Well if it was a confession, maybe you should respond?

Y/N blushes from that and looks down

Y/N: B-But what if it wasn't? What if I'm just overthinking this?

Luke just facepalms at the dragon boy.

With Luz

Luz: I don't know, ok! I-I've *rubs her hair* I've never liked anyone like this before. So what if I'm just imagining all of this?

Dragon Slayer of the Boiling isles (Theowlhouse x malereader x OC)Where stories live. Discover now