Adventures in The Elements (Chapter 12)

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A few days passed for our group of friends, and a lot of things they have learned as well. Y/N learned about Zack's family, Luke had learned to open up to people more, and Luz was able to learn more about her friends. Currently the group was in the living room with Luke reading his fathers book, Y/N petting baby dragon, and Luz reading a hexside pamphlet with King on her belly.

Luz: Guy's listen to this!

Both Luke and Y/N looked up at Luz curious while King was annoyed.

King: Hey! Less Ready, more scratchy!

Luke: Geez King.

Luz: [sits up] Sorry! Now that I'll be a student at Hexside, I wanna learn all about it! I've got a new crush, and it's Education!

Luke: Huh, here that Y/N you have been replaced.

This caused Luz and Y/N to blush as they glared at Luke as he just chuckled. Just because he told them doesn't mean nothing else is going to change, especially him teasing them. Just then the door slams open, spooking everyone.

Eda: Hey freeloaders! Guess what today is?

Luke: Annoy Luke day?

Luz: Is it your birthday?

King: Is it my birthday?

Y/N: Is it someone's birthday?

Hooty: It's my birthday! *stretches to Luke* What did you give me?

Luke: A knuckle sandwich if you don't back off.


Luke: .....(I hate him.)

Eda: No to all of you... except Luke.

Luke: *sigh* Why me?

Hooty then stretches back inside the door as Eda twirls her staff and enters the room with the Human portal in her left hand.

Eda: It's human treasure day!

Eda then throws the portal as it starts to transform into the same one eye door. The door then opens and Owlbert starts to fly inside of it with a bag full in its beak. As soon as he drops the bag it bursts open to reveal all sorts of human treasures..... Or junk in this case.

Luke: Sometimes I forget she has that.

Y/N: Same here.

Eda: *Jumps on top of the trash pile* Aaaahhh... Fresh garbage.

Luke: Yea *plugs his nose* I can tell.

King: *runs to the pile* Ooo, gimme gimme gimme!

Luke: What is wrong with these people?

Y/N: *Chuckles nervously* Who knows?

Luke: *looks at Y/N* By the way, where did your friend go?

Y/N: *Confused* Huh?

Y/N looked around and noticed baby dragon was gone. He then heard barking and looked and saw baby dragon digging inside of the trash pile.

Y/Nl *Smiles* They got him too.

Luke: Of course.

King: *pulls out a stuffed bear* Yes! Another worthy addition to my army of terror!

King pulls the string

Teddy bear: I love cuddles and kisses.

Luke: If that is terror I hate to see fear.

King: *points at Luke* Silence you! This is his way of worming into his victims heart so they can drop their defenses until "BAM!" He kills them!

Luke: *deadpan look* Uh-huh.

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