Sense and Insensitivity (Chapter 11)

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The scene opens up with the whole Owl house crew selling human collections.

King: [holds up objects] Part-take on my free snack samples! Take them, I demand them as your ruler! I am the King of demons!

Right now King was trying to sell some weird, food thing, to people but no one was paying him any attention. Eda was sitting in a chair with sunglasses leaning back. Luke was busy reading his fathers book while also looking up at King from time to time. Y/N was rubbing baby dragons head and looking at King.

Luke: Pretty sure that isn't edible.

King: [slams the tray on the ground] Why isn't anyone paying attention to me? [moves around] I'm their rightful overlord.

Luke: *snickers* Yea ok.

King: [glares at Luke] *sighs and sits* Intellectually and such.

Y/N: [walks over to King] Hey don't let it get to you too much buddy.

Baby dragon jumps off Y/N's arms and rubs on King. This slightly made King feel a little better.

Eda: [takes over her sunglasses] But back to what King was saying, something is off. [grabs a random citizen] *sniffs him* It reeks more of nerd than money today.

Luke: You just had to smell him to know that?

Suddenly out of nowhere Luz excitedly slams her hands on the table, scaring everyone and causing Eda to drop the random citizen.

Luz: *excited* Guys you will not believe what's going on!?

Luke: The Isle finally noticed that you and Y/N are finally going out?

This caused both Luz and Y/N to blush and glare daggers at Luke.

Luke: *shrugs* What? *smirks* Had to ask.

Luz: [rolls her eyes] Anyway [runs up under a sign] It's a book fair.

The sign Luz was under spelled out the word "BOOK FAIR '' and around her were tables of civilians selling books to others.

Luz: [posing] Where books come to life!

Just as she says that a random book falls from one of the stans and starts to talk.

Book: Hello.

Luz panics and kicks the book as everyone watches.

Luke: And she called me a nerd.

King: A fair without rides?

Person: Who needs rides when this [shoves the book in King's face] can take you anywhere.

Y/N: He's got a point: King reading can be really fun.

Luke: For the last time Y/N, Comic books and Mangas don't count as real books.

Y/N: If you can read it, it counts!

Meanwhile King threw a sheet of bacon at the person. Just then a giant monster unicorn thing swooped in and grabbed the random person. The person screamed as the creature flew off.

Y/N: Really King?

King: What? He asked for it.

Luke: He's not wrong Y/N. If someone did that to me I would have done something way worse.

Y/N: [sweat drops] (Esh.)

Eda: A. *points at Luz* You B. I'm bored C. [walks off] I feel like pickpocketing some dork while they browse.

Luke: [facepalm] Of course.

Luz: No wait. [looks at the others] You guys will join in right?

Luke: I mean [holds up his fathers book] I pretty much alright am.

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