Yesterday's Lie (Chapter 34)

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The scene opens with an exterior shot of Luz's home in the Human Realm. A white car passes by. Scene then cuts to Luz's room. The shot is focused on Luz's table. On the table, there's a laptop, a few books, a pair of tinted glasses and an animal hat. The scene changes again and we see Luz's bunk bed with stuffed animals on it. A Good Witch Azura hat is seen on the floor and behind it, we can see a bookshelf. The scene changes again and we can see a tin foil swan, an Azura action figure and a dragon action figure. Someone shoves all of the items to the left. A photo frame with a picture of a younger Luz with long hair and a missing front tooth is seen. In the picture, she is holding an Azura action figure in her right hand and a Good Witch Azura book with her left arm. The person moving the items stops to look at the picture, and then shoves into a box along with the action figures.

Figure: *Stretches.* Ah! Much better.

The figure that sounded like Luz stretched her body and picked up the box. As the figure walked away they passed a mirror and looked at themselves. What was seen was a person that looked just like Luz. They were wearing

"Luz" moves her hair back in place and smiles at herself. She then takes the box outside when she sees Camilia waiting.

Camilia: *Closes the car door* What's the box for, mija?

"Luz": Just cleaning up a little.

Camilia: Even this? *Picks up the tin foil swan* You used to love making me tinfoil swans.

"Luz": Oh, I'm, uh, *Takes back the tin foil swan* just looking for a fresh start.

Camila watches her "daughter" take the box to a nearby trash can. The older Noceda had a worried expression on her face. She knew her daughter had changed since she came back from camp but she didn't expect her to change this much.

"Luz": Camp taught me a lot, you know.

Camila: *still holding a worried expression* It sure did.

???: Luz!!

Both Luz and Camila turned and saw both "Y/N" and "Luke" walking up to them.

"Luz": Y/N!

The two ran up and hugged each other while chuckling/giggling. "Luke" walked up to them and rubbed on "Luz's' ' head making the girl pout and shooed his hand away. Camila watches the three children and couldn't help but smile. Though "Luz" changed a bit, her behavior with her close friends hasn't.

???: *offscreen* Good to see you again.

Camila looked over and saw Rebecca walking up to her.

Rebecca: Camila.

Camila: *smiles* Rebecca. Nice for you to visit.

Rebecca: *chuckles* Well the boys wanted to come over and I wanted to see how you were doing.

Camilia smiled at Rebecca saying that. She then looked over back at the kids, most importantly her daughter.

Rebecca: Something the matter?

Camila: It's just.... *sigh* I feel as though Luz has changed ever since she came back from summer camp.

Rebecca: *looks over at the kids* That might be true *smiles* but she still enjoys her company with her friends.

Camila: *smiles* Yea you're right. *looks at Rebecca* So what about Luke and Y/N? Have they changed?

If you look closely you can tell that Rebecca had slightly flinched from Camila asking her that. Before she could answer though, a noise was heard that got everyone's attention. Everyone went over to the sound and saw a little rabbit that was caught in a trap.

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