Family bonding (Short #5)

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Eda was passing back and forth in her room. She then starts to feel a little weak as she places her hand over her chest.

Eda: The curse. It's getting worse.

She lets out a frustrating sigh as she sits on her nest.

Eda: (What do I do? What can I do!?)

She then grabs her head with her hands.

Eda: Ahhh! What do I do!?

Eda then falls on her nest and looks up at the ceiling. She closes her eyes and tries to think. Just then she heard a knock at the door.

Y/N: *on the other side* Eda. Are you ok?

Eda: *sits up* Y/N!

Luz: *opens the door* We heard screaming! We got worried!

Luz runs over to Eda and starts checkin all over her body.

Luz: Are you ok!? Is it your curse!? Do you need your potion!? Or do you need a head of a demon!?

Luke: *walks inside beside Y/N* I don't think that will help Luz.

Y/N: Luke's right. She needs an egg from an ancient beast.

Luke: *sweats and looks at Y/N* She doesn't need that either.

Eda: *hold Luz up* Look kids, I appreciate it!

She then drops Luz as she lets out a oof.

Eda: But I'm fine! They don't call me the owl lady for nothing!

Luke: Yea I doubt that!

Luke then gets hit in the head by a twig.

Luke: Ow.

Both Y/N and Luz let out a little laugh.

Luz: Seriously though *gets up* Are you ok?

Eda stares at Luz for a bit but gives her a smile.

Eda: *pats her head* I'm fine kid. Besides, don't you three have school work to do?

Luke: *holds his head* It's hard to work when you are busy screaming.

Eda: *shoos them off* Well off to it. I worked my butt off to get you three in there so don't waste it!

Luke: Uh-huh.

Luke starts to walk off as Y/N and Luz walks behind him. They closed the door leaving Eda by herself. She sighs and sits back on her nest.

Eda: They really are good kids. I really should do something for them.

Eda thinks for a second and then an idea comes to her head.

The scene changes to the three friends doing school work. Y/N was rubbing his head with his hands, Luz was staring at it, and Luke was working.

Y/N: Ahhh!! This doesn't make any sense!!

Luke: Yelling about it won't help.

Luz: Yea *pulls up a paper* Drawing helps more.

Luz shows them a drawing of her in an Azura costume, fighting off monsters.

Luke: *sweat drops* That won't help either.

Eda: *offscreen* Hey kids!!

The three turned their heads and saw Eda scattering on the ground and stopped in front of them.

Eda: Put down the books kids, cause today we are going out!!

Y/N/Luz: *eyes starts to shine* Really!?

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