The Iron Dragon Slayer (Chapter 14)

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Another bright sunrise slowly starts to rise on the owl house, we slowly cut inside with the three friends currently sleeping. That was until...


All three friends started groaning. Luke gets up and heads to the window.


Hooty: *appears in front of Luke's face* Awww seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Luke had the look of pure rage and was about to strangle Hooty, that was until Y/N grabbed and pulled Luke.

Luke: Let me at him! I swear I will rip off his eyes and shoved down his throat!

Y/N: *struggling* Luke! *grunts* Calm! *grunts* Down!

Just then they heard the door open and saw Luz still in her sleepwear still tired.

Luz: *yawns* Good morning guys. *rubs her eyes* How's it goin-

Luz sees Y/N holding back Luke from trying to strangle Hooty with baby dragon watching. Y/N notices Luz.

Y/N: Luz! *grunts* A little *grunts* Help Please!

Luz: I'll just leave you guys alone then. *looks at baby dragon* Come on boy.

Baby dragon barks and runs to Luz as she and him leave Y/N and Luke

Y/N: Oh come on!

The scene cuts to the group walking on their path to Hexside. Luke slowly started to calm down a bit as Y/N and Luke were walking beside him.

Luke: One day I'm going to kill him.

Y/N: *chuckles nervously* E-Easy there Luke.

Luz couldn't help but giggle from their reactions. They eventually made it to hexside and were about to enter the gates until they heard a couple of familiar voices.

Gus&Willow: HEY GUYS!!

They turned and saw Gus and Willow walking up to them with smiles.

Luz: Gus! Willow!

Y/N: Hey guys!

Gus and Willow stopped in front of them.

Gus: How's it going?

Y/N: It's going pretty good.

Luke: Yea until a certain bird creature ruined my sleep.

Gus and Willow were confused.

Luz: Hooty woke all of us up and made Luke irritated.

Both Gus and Willow let out a "ooooh" sound as they nodded their heads.

Willow: I see *walks up to Luke* Not much of a morning person huh?

Luke: More like I hate people who wake me up from my sleep.

The group minus Luke chuckled/giggled and started to walk towards the entrance of Hexside.

Gus: You guys ready for another amazing day of school.

Y/N: Yep! Like always!

Luz: I'm excited for beast keeping. The teacher said he's going to show us the bones of a prexticked teacher.

Luke: I really really hope he meant animale.

As the group were talking Y/N picked up a weird scent and Luke felt a strong magic power making them both stop walking. The group looked back and looked at Y/N and Luke.

Dragon Slayer of the Boiling isles (Theowlhouse x malereader x OC)Where stories live. Discover now