Dungeon Adventure (Chapter 17

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A few days have passed since the adventure of traveling and fixing Willow's mind, and currently the three friends are at Zack's parents house. Y/N wanted to go visit Zack's parents and Luz wanted to come along and join him. Y/N was currently lifting a box up and walking it outside

Y/N: *sets down a box* There we go.

Ms. Strife: *walks up to him* Thank you so much Y/N.

Y/N: *turns around and smiles* Not a problem Mrs. Strife.

Mrs. Strife: *smiles* Me and my husband really appreciate you and your friends for helping us out.

Luke: *sets down a heavy box* Great. Just what I need: More choirs work.

Luke on the other hand..... He was forced to come by Luz.

Mr. Strife: *offscreen* Hey careful with that box you brat!

Mr. Strife walked outside with an angry expression.

Mr. Strife: That has years of valuable stuff in there! So don't just toss them around!

Luke: Well excuse me old man.

Mr. Strife: *tickmark* Who are you calling old man!? You damn brat!!

Luke: *tickmark* Who are you calling brat!?

Both Luke and Mr. Strife started yelling at each other as Y/N and Mrs. Strife watched with sweat dripping down.

Y/N: *looks at Mrs. Strife* S-Sorry for my friend here.

Mrs. Strife: *looks at Y/N* No problem dear. *looks at the two* My husband always gets like this when we clean up.

Mr. Strife: I can't believe you want to throw this away!!

Mr. Strife starts digging in his box and pulls out a beast head inside a jar.

Mr. Strife: This was the first beast I ever slain! And you want to throw it out!

Both Y/N and Luke just started at it.

Y/N: Uhhh

Luke: Who wouldn't want to throw it out!?

Mr. Strife: How dare you!? This was my pride and jo--

Mr Strife gets cut off from a slipper hitting him in the head. He lands on the ground and turns around and sees his wife with her eyes closed and smiling at him. But he's been with her long enough to know that smile means she was clearly angry.

Ms. Strife: *theartly* Now dear, these children offered to help us out. I will not tolerate anymore back talk. *eyes open* Understood?

Mr. Strife: *scared* Y-Yes dear.

Y/N: *whispers* Man she's scary.

Luke: *whispers* Agreed.

Back at the house in the attic, Luz and Aerith were moving around boxes.

Aerith: Sorry that you three had to help us with cleaning.

Luz: *waves her hand* Aah. It's no trouble. A friend of Y/N is a friend of ours.

Aerith smiles from the young girl's attitude. As she was moving a box she heard Luz yelped and turned around.

Aerith: *runs to her* Are you ok!?

Luz: *groans and sits up* Yea. *holds up a map* Just tripped on this weird map

Aerith kneeled down to Luz and saw what she was holding as she was shocked.

Aerith: Is that-

Luz: Huh?

Aerith: *smiles* It's been awhile since I saw that.

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