Studying (Short #1)

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Y/N: Uggghhh!

Luke: Are you going to keep complaining?

Right now the three friends were at their lunch table with Gus and Willow. Since the three of them wanted to study all magic in their classes that meant there was a lot on their plate. Currently Y/N is having trouble with the abomination classes. Y/N slams his head on the table as he groans. Luz couldn't help but giggle.

Luz: Hey come on it can't be that bad.

Y/N: *lifts his head up* Easy for you to say. At least you get the subject.

Luke: Maybe if you spend least time sleeping then maybe you'll understand it better.

Y/N was going to say something but couldn't since Luke had a point as he slammed his head down.

Luz: Hey if you need help I could help you out.

Luke: Yea nice try Luz, we both know you still need help in Illusion.

Luz just chuckles nervously.

Y/N: *looks at Willow and Gus* Can one of you guys help me?

Willow: Sorry Y/N but I have to stay behind and help with the plant track.

Gus: And I have to stay and help others with their Illusion magic. *points to Luz and whispers* She needs help.

Luz: I can still hear you Gus.

This made Gus flinch a bit as Willow just giggled. Y/N let out a groan and looked at Luke.

Y/N: Can't you help me Luke?

Luke: As much as I would love to help you, Not really though.

Y/N: (You could have said that last part in your head.)

Luke: Well I have to watch over Emira and Edric.

Gus: I thought they had good grades.

Luke: I'm not helping them study.

Everyone raised their eyebrows at Luke.

Luke: *sighs* Apparently the teacher has put me "incharge" of them.

Gus: Meaning?

Luke: Keeping them out of trouble.

The group all said oh after Luke said that.

Luz: You always were put in charge of others.

Luke: I always wonder why I get put in with trouble makers.

Everyone: Hey!

Luke: Not you Willow.

Willow just smiled while the others were still offended.

Luz: What about us!?

Luke: What about you?

This made Luz pout as Willow just giggled. Y/N put his head back on the table and groaned.

Luke: *sigh* Look if you need help with abomination magic, maaaybe you should go to someone who's good at it.

Y/N: *lifts his head and looks at Luke* Like who?

Luke: I don't know. Someone who is skilled with it, Someone who's a star student of hexside, Someone who's-- Oh for the love of, I mean Amity you idiot!!

This made both Luz and Willow look at Luke with mixed emotion. Luz was glaring at him for the suggestion, while Willow gives him a worried look.

Y/N: Oh Right! I should have thought of that sooner! *gets up* Thanks Luke!

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