Lonely wizard with his curses (Chapter 26)

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 Flashback years ago

We see a young familiar dragon slayer walking around the halls of Gladous High. From the looks of it he just finished getting out of a fight. He had cuts and bruises all over his body and blood dripping down from his mouth. As he was walking down the halls, the students started whispering to one another.

"It's him."

"Black steel Gajeel."

"What happened to him?"

"He must of got into a fight with Jacob and his crew"

Gajeel eventually turned to everyone with a hateful glare, causing the students to get scared. They all started to run away from him. The young iron dragon slayer let out a sigh as he continued to walk. He eventually made it to a nearby playground and saw someone sitting on a bench humming. It was a familiar blue-haired girl: Levy.

Levy: *notices Gajeel and smiles* Gajeel!

Levy runs up to Gajeel, but notices all the scratches and bruise marks on him.

Levy: *worried* What happened!?

Gajeel: *looks away* Nothing! Just got into a little fight. And before you ask, yes I won.

Levy: I wasn't going to ask that! Who did you get into a fight with!?

Gajeel stayed silent as he continued to look away.

Levy:.... It was Jacob and his gang wasn't it?

He continues to stay silent. Jacob was known as the notorious bully that ruled over Gladus high. He could get away with anything he wanted since he was the star student in all of Gladus. Not only that but his family was one of the richest families around.

Levy: *sighs* Gajeel... You know you shouldn't pick fights with people.

Gajeel: He shouldn't have try to pick a fight with me.

Levy: What did he do to you, to make you pick a fight with him?

Gajeel just remains silent. Levy just sighed as she brought the iron dragon slayer to the benches. As the two sat down, Levy used a healing spell to try to heal Gajeel.

Gajeel: *pulls his arm* Knock it off! *crosses his arms* I don't need your weak magic!

Levy: *pulls his arm back* Well if you didn't get hurt in the first place, *starts to recast her spell* You wouldn't need my "Weak" magic.

Gajeel only grunt in response. Levy wasn't always like this. Whenever Gajeel would give her a nasty attitude she would get scared, but over course of time she got used to Gajeel's attitude. She knew how lonely Gajeel would get and wanted to be that person to be there for him. The two enjoy the quiet times. Gajeel looked at Wendy and couldn't help but admire her.

Levy: *noticed Gajeel staring* What?

Gajeel: *eyes widen as he turns his head and starts blushing lightly* N-Nothing.

Levy just giggled causing Gajeel to blush a little more. He always enjoyed these small moments with Levy. She was the only person that didn't see him as a monster. But that moment was ruined when a loud voice was heard.

???: *offscreen* HEY!!

The two friends turned and saw a big 4 armed boy, with four eyes. Beside he was a younger four armed boy. The little one was Jacob and the bigger one was Jacob's older brother, Roberd.

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