First Day (Chapter 13)

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Y/N: Oh man I'm so excited.

Luz: I'm so nervous.

Luke: I want to get this over with.

Right now the owl house crew was behind a stage at hexside academy. The three friends were getting ready for there placement exam to enter hexside.

Eda: Now remember kids you got this.

Y/N nods his head while Luke just shrugs. Luz on the other hand.

Luz: I don't know Eda. What if we mess this up? What if we fail? What if--

Y/N: *holds her shoulders* Hey don't worry we work this hard to get where we are now. We can do this.

Luz couldn't help but smile from Y/N's words.

Eda: Y/N is right kid. I had to do the same thing when I was a witchling. It's like a writing passage. Granted I was a little more skilled.

Luz&Y/N: Eda!

Luke: Not helping.

Eda: Right right sorry sorry.

Luz: *looks at Y/N and Luke* Can one of you go first?

Luke: *sighs* Fine, I'll go.

Luke starts to walk over to the center of the stage as the curtains open revealing principle bump sitting down with a notepad and a pen.

Bump: Aha. Mr Martin's your first.

Luke: Unfortunately sir. *Clears his throat* As the old saying goes.

Luke draws a dark circle as the word darkness is spelled in the air.

Luke: In the deepest darkness.

Luke draws a white circle. He snaps his fingers and the words darkness explodes and is replaced with the word Light.

Luke: There is a shining light.

Bump: *amazed* Remarkable.

Everyone else clapped for Luke.

Bump: You're in.

Luke: *bows down* Thank you sir.

Luke walked off to the side towards his friends.

Eda: *pats his shoulder* Nice one kid.

Luz: That was soo cool!

Y/N: That was great!

Luke: *shrugs his shoulder* Eh. It was nothing.

Bump: Alright next.

Y/N: I'll go.

Y/N starts to run as he slides to the middle of the stage.

Y/N: Hello principle Bump.

Bump: Aha. The son of Igneel Dragneel. I'm curious to see how well you are with your magic.

Y/N: Hehe get ready *eyes glow red* to be impressed sir.

Y/N summoned fire in both his right hands. He did a spin and then stomped his foot down as he threw the fire in the air. The fire explodes in the sky making everyone cover their eyes. Soon the fire dies down and everyone uncovers their eyes to see the words "Y/N Dragneel" written in fire.

Everyone: Whoa.

Y/N: *smirks* Not done yet.

Y/N then draws a blue circle around both his arms as lighting starts to surround his arms. He then claps them together to make a loud boom sound and then opens his hands as lighting is surging. He throws the lighting under the fire letters. The lighting started zooming around spelling something out. It quickly goes back to Y/N's hand as it finishes spelling "The dragon slayer" together with the fire and lightning created: "Y/N Dragneel The dragon slayer". It was dead silent until both Eda and Luz started cheering.

Dragon Slayer of the Boiling isles (Theowlhouse x malereader x OC)Where stories live. Discover now