A Talent Show (Short #2)

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It's been at least 2 weeks since Gajeel had been at Hexside. Principal Bump asked him what track he wanted to join and Gajeel said he wanted to be in the beast keeping track. The reason he didn't want to study all magic is because he didn't want to follow the same path as the two humans and especially Salamander.... That and was hoping to see them less. So Bump put him in the beast track, seeing how he was a dragon slayer and all. During that time Gajeel's days at hexside academy was... rough. Whenever he would walk around Hexside the students would always whisper to each other. Say something along the lines of:

"Why is he here"

"Who let him here?"

"Why is a monster like him here?"

They would continue to mumble that amongst each other. What would make them stop is when Gajeel would give them a side glare making them all run. After that would happened Gajeel would let out an exhausted sigh. No matter where he would go in hexside people would always give him weird looks. When he sat down in the back of the class in the beast keeping class everyone would sit far away from him, avoiding him as much as possible. The teachers would be to scared to approach him. Needless to say Gajeel was pretty much an outcast to everyone.

During lunch time Gajeel would sit alone eating nothing but iron. People would still whisper things about him and all he would do was ignore the side comments. Our young dragon slayer was lonely and would continue to be..... Oh so he thought. Another fellow dragon slayer would come to his table to sit with him: Y/N Dragneel. Y/N would take a seat and eat his lunch with him asking Gajeel how his day was and howed Hexside was treating him. And like always if Y/N was there Luz and the others would be there as well.

Now Luz, Willow, and Gus wouldn't exactly sit with Gajeel for the benefit of it. The reason they would sit with him or more like sit across from him is because Y/N did... and also to make sure Gajeel wouldn't try to hurt him. Luke honestly didn't care that much. Gajeel would get annoyed telling them to leave him the hell alone! He would storm off out of the cafe and everyone would look to see him walk off. Y/N would say something along the lines he didn't have to be so rude while Luz and the others would sigh heavily.

There was something else Gajeel had to deal with while being with Hexside: people challenging him to witch duels. Now yes Gajeel did still (regrettably) apologize to the ones he challenged and hurt, but they never really forgave him for it. So instead they challenge him to a duel. He was at least challgened to one 5 times a week. They would all use impressive magic, some hurting him badly and some not. But what Y/N and the others noticed about the fights is that Gajeel never really fought back. It was almost like he wanted them to beat him up. He would be covered in cuts and bruises, blood dripping down from his mouth, and he would hold his left arm in pain. And everytime the duel ended Y/N would walk up to him and offer up a hand. Gajeel would glare at him and smack it away walking away from him and the group. Luz, Willow, and Gus would always glare at him as he left, Luke would just shake his head, and Y/N would just look back at him with a worried look.

But even though he would have a rough time at hexside, he would still see students walk around happily talking with their friends. He would see them smile happily as they encourage them not to give up, they can master a spell. Some of it would make Gajeel sick... But deep down to the core the iron dragon slayer wishes that he was a part of it.

We cut to another day at hexside expect this time there was an event going on: A talent show. It was something Prinibale Bump had put together so every student can enjoy themselves. We show the friends are all together in their usual uniform. The only difference is Y/N was holding a guitar? Well it had the strings of a regular guitar, the only problem is that it was in the shape of a dragon.

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