You met him

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"You're next" an officer waves you over. You sigh. Your boss is missing and now the police is here and talks to every employee.
"On my way." you walk over to the booth and sit down across from a very rugged man.
"Name ?" "(y/f/n) (y/l/n)" "What's your job here Miss-" "Please call me with my first name. I hate my last name." You say with a smile.
He looks up and his brown eyes lock with your (e/c). "As you wish. I'm Detective Sebastian Castellanos. You can call me however you please." Sebastian says with a smile. "Of course Sebastian. you have any questions ?" you ask him smiling. He smirks at you and says
I have got four questions. How good did you know your boss ? Do you have any idea on who did this ? Where were you at the time of the crime ? And last but not least: When do you want to go out with me ?"

Freezing at his last question, you try not to let this affect you and answer him casually "As good as a temporary waitress knows her boss. No I don't, it's only my second week here so I don't really know everyone here. I was at my parents house, for a visit. And last but not least, it's up to you. You can call me when you are really interested in another encounter. You can search through your files to find my number. I said it to some officer already. See ya, Sebastian."
You stand up and walk away, leaving him breathless.



It's way too early for this. All you wanted was to get coffee and go to work. But noooo. A giant queue stands in front of your favorite coffee shop. You sigh. 'This is SO typical.' you think.
A stranger walks up to you and says "Hey. You look annoyed." he states lamely. "Well, standing in a giant queue for a simple coffee isn't one of my favorite hobbies, you know." You both laugh. The queue grows smaller. "And are you here more often ?" 'What a strange question..' you think but answer nonetheless.
"Yeah...They make the best coffee here soo....yes I'm here quite often." you answer politely. The stranger takes a step closer to you. "How about we meet here again?" He asks seductively and with a creepy smile.
Somehow you feel extremely uncomfortable right now. "No..I don't have time for that-" "Then how about we meet at my place, whenever you want..." he cuts you off. The stranger puts a hand on your cheek, but you turn away. "No ! Stop that !" you say a bit louder. No one else seems to notice you. "Feisty...I love it..." He says as he put his hand on your ass and squeezes it. "HELP !" you scream and try to free yourself. He has a strong grip on you.
"Let her go !" Another male voice says. The stranger lets go of you and you step back to run into your saviors arms. He's holding a gun to the strangers back. Another man, a friend of your savoir it seems, cuffs the bastard and takes him away.
"Are you okay ?" Your savior asks. "Y-Yes...Thank you." you say shivering. He notices and takes his black half coat off to lay it around your shoulders. "What's your name ?" "(y/n)"
"Well, (y/n), we searched for this man for ages. I'm Detective Joseph Oda. You have to come with me to the police station." "I-It's okay." "After you answered our questions, I invite you to a save coffee, agreed ?" "Agreed." You smile at him as he leads you to the car.



"OK guys, today we'll present the progress of brain science. Please welcome Mr. Ruben Viktoriano !"
The whole class clapped. Yes. You are a student on a high university in Krimson City. Today your *cough* most favorite class *cough* *cough* has a highly appreciated guest. This Viktoriano guy. 'Ugh...why ?!' you think. Ruben speaks up "Hello everyone. I'm here today to show you the interesting sides of the human brain." He says with a smile. ' wouldn't be the first one who would fail at this task.' you think sarcastically.
But as the lecture went on, you somehow grow at the topic. The way Ruben talks is filled with so much passion and proud that you like him right away.
Too soon the lesson ends. You could've listened ages to him. You shake your head 'Okay...that was a bit too much now.'
You gather your items and walk to the exit. Of course Ruben walks right beside you. You gather all your courage and speak to him "I liked your lecture. You explained it thousand times better than that idiot of a teacher." You smile at him. Thank" "Oh my name is (y/n)." 'Awkwaaaaard' you think.
"Pleasure to meet you (y/n). I'm Ruben Viktoriano. But I think you already knew that." He laughs shyly. "But you can call me Ruvik." He looks at you and somehow you are lost in his eyes. "What ever you wish Ruvik." you try to joke.
He chuckles and whispers to you "If you really liked my lecture, meet me here again tomorrow evening."
Still lost in his eyes and lulled in his voice you answer almost in trance. "O-Of course." Ruvik smiles and walks away. Only then you come back to your senses. 'What the Fuck was that ?"



Today you start your practical training at the Beacon Hospital. Actually you wanted to do something, where you don't have to be that active, but 'this a great chance for you'. Your teacher arranged this training. Even though you didn't asked for it.
You are sitting in the waiting area. Then a nurse halts in front of you.
"Good morning. You must be (y/n). I'm Tatiana Gutierrez. But you can call me Tatiana. Follow me." She smiles at you and waves you to follow her. Fake smiling you follow her to the locker room. She fumbles a bit, but soon appears with a nurse outfit in your size.
"Please put that on and meet me outside. We'll meet the patient you'll be watching over for the week." Tatiana grins.
The clothes are quite comfortable, at least not so tight and clingy. You pull your hair back in a ponytail (if your hair length let's you do that :D).
After a few minutes of walking through the hospital, your nose is already numb because of the scent there. And it is extremely warm.
"We have arrived." Tatiana pulls you out of your thoughts.
She opens the door to reveal a boy sitting on the edge of the bed. He looks tired. And somehow worn out.
"This is Leslie Withers. He doesn't talk much. But he isn't aggressive, so it's perfect for a start." Tatiana smiles and leaves you alone with Leslie.
This first day you are mostly silent. But you somehow like him. He's intelligent, in a way. Maybe this won't be that bad.


Sorry if it sucks. I'm trying to give every story as much attention as they need.
Leave a comment and tell me if you liked it and/or what I could do better :D
See ya \(^o^)/

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