Scary Movie Night~

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Request by: Spiralkitten Thank you for that :3

And...I don't want to seem bitchy, but I can't take more requests for now. I'll tell you guys when I'm ready for more requests :D
But I love you guys for all the ideas and feedback ! You are the best ! <33



"You've got everything ?"
"Yes, now come here..."
"What now ? You scared already ?" You snicker.
Sebastian sighs and motions for you to come closer again.
You sigh and sit down between his legs and lean on his chest.
Muscular arms wind around you and squeeze you to the firm body behind you.
The movie starts and the suspense rises.
"Oh man...this is so stupid !" You snort.
"Wait for it.." Seb whispers into your ear.
You wait and the jump scare really gets you.
"Boy ! What the F*ck !" You exclaim.
"Told you..." The man holding you whispers, rubbing your side soothingly.
After another few moments of complete nonsense, the film finally ends.
"Thank god I survived this..." You mutter when you lift up the blanket of your bed to lay down.
"Of course you did. I was there.." Sebastian grins, snaking his arms around you when your head hits his chest.
"Yeah, my hero.." You snort and stroke his chest until you fall asleep.



"You left the popcorn in the microwave, (y/n).."
"Oh ! Sorry, can you get it ?"
"Already did." Joseph grins as he places the bowl with popcorn on the coffee table.
You lift the blanket for him to slip under it next to you. Once he found his position, you lean against his shoulder and place the popcorn in your lap.
Joseph starts the movie. Kidman gave it to him, saying it's a classic.
"Paranormal Activity is a classic ?" You ask your boyfriend, looking up at him.
"According to Kid, yes. I don't know, but I guess it's a horror film. You still wanna watch it ?" He asks.
"Sure, why not ?" You fake-smile and kiss him.
The movie starts and nothing happens for like an eternity.
"You said this was horror. The only horror here is the boredom..." You sigh.
In this exact moment, the protagonist gets dragged away by an unknown power and down the stairs.
"Oh !" You scream. You feel Joseph flinch to as he quickly hugs you to him.
"Okay, I didn't say anything !" You add quickly as you snuggle up to Joseph and get it over with the rest of the movie.



"Come here ! The movie starts !" Ruvik calls from the bed.
"On my way !" You say.
Hopping into the bed next to Ruvik, you kiss his temple and lean back.
The wounds from his accident in the science class may have healed, but there are a few scars which will probably never fade.
Which n you don't mind as much as Ruvik does. But today, this isn't about his appearance, but the most popular horror movie on the campus.
"Silent Hill ? That's not a movie..." You point out.
"I know, but let's just hope it's better than the 'Super Mario' films, alright ?"
And the horror begins.
"Oh my god !" You exclaim and turn towards Ruvik who is just looking at the screen, where the credits roll.
"Ruvik ?"
No answer.
"Ruben ?"
He slowly turns to you, his gaze freezing.
"Yes ?"
"Promise me not to show this to me again.. I promise to keep my chemicals in the shelf and I'll get the trash out. But please, you can make me listen to Justin Bieber, but not this !" He pleads, his hands holding yours tightly, one single tear rolling down his cheek.
"Sounds good to me, Ruvik. Now, how about we sleep ?"
"No ! I can't !"
"But you have to !" You say, already standing up to carry out the bowl of popcorn.
When you return, Ruvik sits on the edge of the bed, and it looks like some kind of acid in his hand.
"Monsters, monsters everywhere !"
"Oh boy..." You facepalm and lay down, embracing Ruvik.
The next day, everything is fine, yet he tells you not to go close to mirrors.



Today is movie night. And Leslie picked out a movie. A horror movie.
Even though you are sitting on the couch with him right now, with popcorn and everything, you are still not sure if it is a good idea to watch a horror movie with a mental ill person.
But Leslie grew up and knows his borderlines. Hopefully.
By the first ten minutes of the movie, almost half of the popcorn is already gone. Like Leslie inhaled the stuff.
"I didn't know you had a thing for popcorn."
"I-I didn't know e-either." He replies, cuddling more into your embrace.
The movie goes on. As many horror movies, this one relies on the most popular thing to do in a horror movie: blood.
While you ask yourself where the hell all the blood comes from, you feel the boy in your arms twitch one in a while.
"Are you sure we shall finish that ?" You ask him as you pause the film.
"W-Why ? A-Are you s-s-s-s-s-scared ?"
"Not as much as you are..." You sigh.
"B-But...I want to know how it ends." Leslie pleads.
"I could tell you, but I guess that's not how you want to know, right ?"
Leslie shakes his head and sniffles a bit.
"Hey...There is no shame in fearing something.."
"B-But...You are not s-scared..."
"I am, but other people are more scared. Even more than you are.."
"But I-I'm not like o-o-others..."
"No, but you are doing great, just the way you are..."
Leslie smiles up at you and kisses your lips.
"Thank you...I love you." He says and stands up to shuffle into the bedroom.
You sigh and get the dishes away. Laying down next to Leslie, he wraps his arms around you for once.


Oh My God....I'm so bad...Dx
I have to find a rhythm, this can't continue...xD

But first, someone give me the Death Note, there are things to do...>:D

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this somehow...:)

See ya \(^o^)/

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