Car Crash ~

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Another request from the loveliest of my friends <3

~Have fun~



"I told you not to do it !"

"Yeah, but if I didn't, then everything would have been for nothing !" Sebastian retorts stubbornly.

You turn to him furiously and then it happens.

Boom !

You were so distracted because of your rage, you steered the car against a tree.

"(y/n)...?" Sebastian groans. His head hurts and he tastes a bit of blood on his tongue. Slowly, he glances towards your side. You are slumped against the slightly broken window. Blood trickles down your temple and smears against the window. Another stain runs down your lip.

Sebastian frees himself from his seat belt and leans over to you and tries to shake you awake.

"(y/n) ?!" Sebastian pleads. You groan slightly and Seb sighs a bit in relief.

He climbs out of the car and stumbles to your side. Ripping the car door almost out of the car, he pulls you out and into his arms. He carries you a bit farther away and calls the ambulance.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n). You were right, I shouldn't have done this. Please stay with me..." Your boyfriend pleads as he rocks you back and forth in his arms.

Groggily, you raise a hand to his cheek and say "I.... won't..."

Sebastian smiles and kisses you and soon the doctors take care of you..



"Such an asshole ! He can't terminate me like this...." You mutter in rage. You are the last car in a traffic jam and it doesn't help to lighten up your mood. You cut the engine and switch on the warning light and lean back.

'What am I going to do ? I don't have a job anymore...Oh my god, how will I tell Joseph ? He will think that I can't do anything right...' your thoughts spin around in your head.

And then it happens.

Boom !




You blink your eyes to let them get used to the light. Everything is so bright.

"(y/n) !" A voice calls from your side.

You are engulfed in a hug and now you can also put a finger to the voice.

"Joseph...." you smile and burry you head on his shoulder. "What happened ? Why am I here ?"

The said man pulls away and takes your hand in his. "You had a car accident. You were in a traffic jam. You were the last car and a truck just drove right into you. The doctors said it is wonder that you are still alive.." Joseph explains, frowning.

Now you remember. And you remember what let you get so distracted.

"Joseph..?" you speak to the man in front of you.

"Yes, (y/n)."

"My boss terminated me..." you say embarrassed.

His eyes go wide in shock. "What ? Do you remember why ?" He asks, holding your hand a bit tighter.

"I..I don't know for sure...but I think he said something not being polite enough..." You shake your head.

Joseph pulls your hand to his lips, pressing a small kiss to it. "Don't think about it too much. It doesn't matter now. And besides, it's his loss." He smiles at you.

"Thanks.." You smile and slowly you drift off to sleep again.



You are on your way back from the grocery shopping as you cross a street and it happens.

Boom !

Your body colides with the solid metal of a car at first, then with the solid concrete of the street.

Your groceries land all over the street. The dull screams and shouts of the people around are almost deaf to your ears.

"Someone call the ambulance !" "Don't move her !" "What happened ?"

After agonizing moments, the siren of the ambulance reaches your ears. Soon enough you are surrounded by several people who take care of your wounds.

After a few tests of conciousness and reflexes, they get you into the ambulance.

"Do you have anyone we should call ?" The doctor asks. You pet your finger on your pocket and the doctor pulls it out for you. With some nodding and finger signs you manage to call your boyfriend.

Hours later, you get into a hospital room, where Ruvik is already waiting for you.

"(y/n) !" He calls out and rushes to your side.

"Ruvik...." You choke out.

The doctor explains what happened to your boyfriend, who is listening silently.

"Is she going to be okay ?" He asks concerned as he places a hand on your arm.

"Yes. There shouldn't be any complications with the healing. Most of these are scratches and bruises. The only thing that will take a bit longer to heal will be the broken rib. But it shouldn't be a problem as long as she stays put." The doctor reassures you and Ruvik.

He leaves the two of you to yourselves.

"My god, (y/n). What are doing ?" Ruvik asks with a loop-sided smile.

You shrug and grin a bit.

"Take more care next time, ok ?" Ruvik orders gently.

You nod slightly.

"But for now I take care of you.." He smiles and gets you something to eat.



Every Wednesday you have to drive Leslie to for a general check-in.

Currently, you are driving on a country road //~take me hoooome~ ||slapped||//

"A-Are you driving on limit ?" Leslie asks skakily. You glance at the speedometer and slow down slightly.

"Yes. Slightly over limit. Thank you." You smile, but keep your eyes on the road.

In the driving mirror, you see another car. It speeds up and starts to overtake your car. As a good driver you drive a bit to the right to make it easier for the overtaker to get in again.

But everything was in vain and somehow he crashes right into you and forces your car off the road.

Boom !

The next thing you know is that you are in a hospital with several bandages on your body.

You groan and sit up. Looking around, you don't see anyone and stuble out of your bed.

On your way through the corridor at your room, you bump into a familiar figure.


"Tatiana...What happened ? Where is Leslie ?" You ask bewildered. Tatiana puts a hand on your shoulder to calm you down.

"He's ok. He's at his room now. Just to calm him down in a used environment." The nurse explains.

You run off and dash into Leslie's room, seeing him sitting safe and sound on the edge of his bed.

You walk to him and almost crash him in a tight hug.

"Leslie..." You breath.

He hugs you too and since his injuries are just a few scratches, he takes care of you for the rest of the day.


Soooo..I hope you enjoyed ! :D

Send in some requests ; Messages are OPEN

See ya \(^o^)/

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