You get raped~

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This is the result of a misunderstanding...more or less xD

Thanks to @Mary_Law for her misreading xD




"There she is." The doctor says as he opens the door to your room.

Sebastian dashes through it even though it is still almost closed.

"(y/n)..." He sighs and walks up to your still form, grasping your cold hand in his. He looks at the bruise on your cheekbone and frowns.

"What exactly happened ?" Sebastian asks the doctor, who now also approached your bed.

"She had been found in an alleyway. It seems like....she's been...raped." The doctor explains.

Your boyfriend is shocked and grabs your hand a bit tighter, causing you to slowly wake up from your slumber.

"Seb..." You croak. Your throat is awfully dry.


Unable to answer, you just sigh, smile and fall asleep again.

The next days, your boyfriend never left your side, not even for a smoke. He searched for that damn bastard all the time.

Sometimes, when you wake up, he talks to you, gets you what you need and as soon you sleep again, he's back at work.

After a week you are released from the hospital.

Sebastian carries your bag and you walk to the elevator.

It opens and reveals a man with many bruises and blood, but you still know who this is.

"This-This !" You say shakily as you point finger at him.

Sebastian grabs your shaking hand in his warmer one "I know, but I'm sure you won't see him again."

Now it dawns you "Did you do that to him ?"

Your boyfriend smirks and pulls you into the elevator, leaving the hospital.



You are laying in your bed. Since you have been found raped, you are told to stay at home and in bed. The doctors would have prefered to keep you in the hospital, but Joseph managed to get you out since he knew you hate hospitals.

"Are you okay, (y/n) ?" Your boyfriend asks from his side on the bed.

You hum approvingly and snuggle against him. Joseph tenses slightly, but relaxes, giving you a feeling of safety.

Ever since you got home, Joseph searches your through your case files.

Searches through the internet, he even asked random people on the street if they saw something.

He wanted the bastard to pay for what he had done.

After weeks of staying home and talking to a therapist, you are as good as new. Well, almost.

You still have the habbit to check the shadow of the person behind you if he wants to stab you. Yes, you do.

"Ok, (y/n). Can you tell me if one of these guys is the one ?" Your boyfriend asks you and you turn to the window.

Four men are walking in and you gasp, turning away abruptly.

"N-Number 3...." You mumble into Joseph's chest, searching for any comfort.

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