You break up ~

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Requested by @love1Dforever411 :D

Enjoy ~



Since you lost his child, Sebastian searches comfort on the ground of the bottle again.
You come home from your follow-up visit, seeing Sebastian's arm dangling from the couch.
You walk towards him and lean down to kiss him, when the smell of alcohol hits you hard.
"Uggh...Seb !" You whine.
"No, (y/n)...." He slurs.
"God dammit, Sebastian ! Why are you doing this !?" You yell at him.
"It helps to ease...the pain..."
"Shit, Seb ! Don't you think it hurts me, too !?" You whisper, tears gathering in your eyes.
"There, now do I drink my brain out every night ?"
"No...but it is your first is my second loose...everything you love..." Sebastian murmurs.
"Don't you love me ?"
Snoring on the other side.
You can't believe it.
You cry silentlt, walking to the kitchen, searching for something to scribble down a note.

I can't stand this anymore. I know, you are sad about our loss, bit did you think about me even once ?
I'm sad, too. I blame myself for all this. I carried her. I lost her.
I need time for myself, without dealing with your drunken ass.




You are sitting on your couch, looking at the ultrasound scan.
The door clicks open.
After a while, Joseph sits down next to you.
"It's all my fault." You whisper after a while.
And it begins again. This conversation starts every day since the fateful day.
But this time, Joseph doesn't play along.
"My god, (y/n) ! It isn't, when will you understand that ?!" He yells.
You look at him in shock.
"B-But it was me carrying them..."
"It's almost like you want to be the responsible one for this !" He says, standing up, looking right at you.
"W-What ? I'm crying my soul out of my body and you can't think of anything better than insulting me ?" You whimper.
"No. But you know what ? Maybe it is all your fault ! Since you can't do anything right ! Not even finding a job !"
You have enough. You walk towards him. The smack on his cheek rings through the whole apartment.
"You are not the man I wanted to be the father of my children. We're having it your way. We are through !" You yell and rage out of the apartment.



It's been weeks since you lost your child.
It's been weeks since he started to check his machines over and over again.
"This can't be." He would mutter.
"Everything is right." He would mutter.
You would sit down next to him and soothe him.
But one day you have had enough.
"I did everything I could !" He yells.
"Maybe it wasn't enough !" You yell back.
"What are you saying with that ?!"
"Maybe, if it wasn't for your ego, our child would still be alive !"
"If you hadn't insisted to do everything yourself to satisfy your stubbornness, we certainly would have discovered all this earlier. And I'm certain our child would still be alive !" You finish your rage.
Ruvik stares at you blankly.
"I just wanted the best fo-"
"'The best' he says." You snort.
"The best would have been a fully trained gynecologist to take care of us. Now it's too late ! And now that I think about it, I don't want to be your guinea pig anymore. And I certainly don't want my child to be one !" You rage on.
"I'm sorry. I failed you.." Ruvik offera weakly.
"You failed us."
And with that, you leave him at the spot.



Leslie is a real sweetheart since you told him you had a miscarriage.
"Thank you, Leslie." You say when he places your hot chocolate on the coffee table.
"No problem, (y/n)."
And this always repeats. Day after day. Week after week.
And one day you have to say.
"If you had been this caring before..." You whisper.
Leslie turns around "W-What ?"
You repeat "If you had been this caring before...I lost the kid..."
"W-What do y-you mean ?"
He could be so clueless at times. But this time it isn't cute, it is irritating.
"You could have cared more"
"B-But I did..."
"But I didn't really noticed that. I always had to take care of you. You are still a child. And how can a child take care of a child ?" You laugh.
"What ?! I always had to do the hard work, literally ! Either carrying your shit around or doing your paper stuff for the clinic. I don't even think you would have been capable of watching out for our child when I would have been gone. Even for grocery shopping !"
"W-Why are you d-doing this ?"
"Why ? Because I don't see anymore why I wanted the child with you in thw first place !"
"G-Get out." Leslie says.
"Fine !" You yell.
"As always, I'll run away from your problem for you !" You slam the door shut.


I'm so sorry. That sucked, I can feel it. I can't argue D:

Anyways, I hope to can stand it xD

See ya \(^o^)/

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