Theme Park~

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Requested by @Wolfie622




Finally ! After begging Seb for days, he finally takes you to the theme park. It's new in town and you had to promise him something. Something you are regretting right now. You are standing in the queue for the Gyro-Drop-Tower.
"Sebastian, are you sure you want to do this ?" You ask, squeezing his hand, laced with yours.
"Of course, I mean, you promised to go with me." He smiles and leans in to kiss you.
"I know I know..." you trail off, watching the people drop and listening to the cries.
"But we can always back out, you know...?" You smile back.
"It seems like you want to back out..."
"Me ? I would be afraid..." Another drop and you gulp "...of that..."
You are on and Sebastian almost drags you to the seat.
The employer checks the belts and up you go.
You grasp your boyfriend's hand and he squeezes reassuringly.
"This waiting is worst..." you mumble. And you are redeemed soon.
The whole thing drops and you scream, your heartbeat increasing rapidly.
The machine softly slows down, setting you to the ground.
Seb gets out of his seat first, standing in front of yours.
Your eyes still wide open, you reach your hands out to him.
Seb picks you up and carries you out of the Tower area.
" about a milkshake ?" He suggest, still carrying you.
"Th-That would be n-nice..." you stutter and Seb kisses your temple.



Joseph doesn't seem like the type to go on roller coasters with, but man, you guessed wrong.
This man rides anything he can reach (Wow...that sounds so wrong xD).
"Joseph, can we take a break ?" You pant, grabbing his forearm.
"Sure, how about we sit down there ?" He suggests, pointing at a bench nearby.
You nod and Joseph grabs your hand, pulling you along.
You sit down with a huff.
"Wait here." He says, kissing you and vanishes in the crowd.
You sigh and grab your drink from your bag.
After what felt like an eternity, Joseph emerges from the crowd again, standing in front of you.
He frowns, as there is no space for him to sit next to you.
"Stand up for a second, please."
You obey and the detective sits down on your previous spot, pulling you in his lap.
"There, now isn't this better ?" He smiles.
"It is." You smile and kiss his cheek.
"So, how about we share ?" He says, pointing at the pink, fluffy sugar stuff on a stick in his hand.
You only now notice that.
Your eyes lighting up you nod, and Joseph feeds you with the sweet stuff.
You return the favor and kiss the remaining sweets from his mouth.
(Sorry to all the diabetics ! You can exchange that stuff with..something else if you want :3)



It felt like thousands of years since Ruvik took you out.
And today you go to your favourite theme park.
"Why do human build these machines, even though they could get killed ?" He questions.
"Because it's fun !" You exclaim.
"Yeah...dying is the funniest thing I can imagine." He grumbles.
"Oh come on, don't be so grumpy. You will love it !" You encourage him.
He sighs and a group of little kids run past you.
"Ugh..." He groans.
"What is it ?"
"Kids..." He groans.
It is 9 a.m. and these children already get on his nerves.
"We almost would've had one of our own..." You laugh.
"But ours wouldn't have been so irritating. Especially in the morning." Ruvik explains.
"Yeah, because you can control that." You snort.
"That's a matter of education." He raises a finger and chuckles.
"Sure." You snort and lean in to kiss him.
"So how about we get on that one ?" You point at a random attraction.
"Sure, why not ?" He smiles.
In the end, he even helped sone kids to get into the seats safely.
And being the sweetheart he is, he actually made you win one of these giant plush bears he had to carry all day. And he didn't complain.



Since you noticed Leslie still doesn't do that well in crowds, you decide to put it to the extreme.
A theme park should be enough to make any fear disappear.
"(y/n) ?" Leslie stutters.
"Yes ?" You look at him.
"W-Why are we here ?"
"To have fun. How about this ?" You point at a roller coaster where people are falling down at the moment, screaming.
Leslie rapidly shakes his head, eyes so wide they could pop out any minute.
"Okay...then this one ?" You point at another one, less adrenaline kicking, but it seems still too much for Leslie.
You sigh.
"Okay, why don't you suggest something ?"
"C-Can we go h-home ?" He asks, making you laugh.
"Nooooo, tell me something you want to try out.." You giggle.
He looks around and points at the classic carousel. With ponies and all that shit.
"Seriously ?" You raise an eyebrow.
"Yes..." He smiles.
"Okay..." you sigh. You came here for brutal action and adrenaline kicks, but you have to wait with that.
Once you settled on two horses next to each other, the carousel starts.
Leslie claws the pole, holding on it like his life depends on it.
You reach out to him, offering to hold his hand.
Leslie gladly accepts the gesture of comfort.
His death grip almost lets your fingers die, but the carousel stops before that happens.
You walk away a bit and lean in to kiss him.
"You did good." You say.
"C-Can we do that again ?" He asks, beaming a smile at you.


Wow, I made it xD

I hope you enjoyed :3


See ya \(^o^)/

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