You are on your period

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It had to come this way. You are laying on the couch in the living room. With chocolate and a blanket that is wrapped around you like a cocoon.
You groan in pain. Yes, you are on your period. And it hurts like hell ! 'Good thing Seb isn't around. He'd just overreact...' you think to yourself.
As if on cue, the front door of your apartment swings open, revealing your boyfriend.
'Of fucking course...'
"Hey (y/n) ! Glad to see me ?" Seb asks smirking.
You put on your best grin you can manage right now and say "Of course I did. But why are you back so early, anyways ?"
"Krimson City is getting safer. No cases anymore." Your boyfriend explains with a smile.
"You did a good job then." You say. When he is near you, you pull him down and kiss him shortly, before the pain in your lower abdomen gets the upper hand again, and you wince in pain.
Sebastian pulls away and looks at your crining form. He kneels down beside you and asks "What is wrong ?" The concern in his voice is dripping, and you somehow find it very cute.
"Everything's fine. I'm just on my period. Like last month. And the month before that. AND the mo-"
"Can I do something for you ? Do you want tea, coffee ? Anything to eat ? Another blanket ? A-" Sebastian rambles on .
"You. All I need is you, Seb." You say smiling.
Without hesitation he sits down beside you and you cuddle up to him. After some time you are laying down, while Sebastian massages your feet. You feel the tension all over your body leaving and drift off to sleep.



The only light that shines into the bedroom is the moonlight. You wake up and wince a bit. You are on your period and you are used to the pain it brings with it, but this time it is like a giant, angry bear punches your stomach.
"Dammit" You curse silently. You look to your side, seeing Joseph sleep peacefully. You sit up straight, but the pain lets you slump back into the mattress right away.
Joseph stirs and begins to turn around facing you.
"Can't sleep...?" He asks groggily.
"Nope...I just-aahh !" You wince again. Joseph sits up at the noise and asks "Are you okay ? What's wrong with you ?" He asks extremely concerned.
You giggle a tiny bit and say "I'm just on my period...It's noth-" You groan in pain and clutch your lower abdomen.
"Okay..Just wait here..I'll get...something." Your boyfriend orders as he takes his glasses from the nightstand and presses a kiss to your damp cheek.
He disappears in the kitchen and comes back after few minutes. You turn on the little lamp on your nightstand. Joseph carries a mug of tea it seems and a hot-water bottle. You smile at him and say "You don't have to do this, you know ?"
"And how I'm going to do this. I love you and I doon't want to see you in any pain." He kisses you and gives you some pills. After you drank out your tea, swallowed the pills and turned off the light, you take the hottie and lay down again. Joseph wraps his arms around you and you lay your head on his chest. And slowly you drift into a painless sleep.



You are currently at your room, because your roommates are out and Ruvik wanted to be alone for the preparations fr your exam next week.
"Excuse me, please." You say and go into the bathroom. When you are in there, you notice you are on your period. 'Great...It had to be now, hadn't it ?'
You walk back to your boyfriend, who is patiently waiting for you on your bed.
A few hours and a few ibuprofen pills later, you still feel the stinging pain in your stomach.
"Okay...What is wrong ? You are holding onto your stomach for hours now." Ruvik asks curiously.
You sigh and turn away to hide your embarrassing blush "I....I'm on my period."
You hear a faint chuckle and turn to him.
"What are you laughing at ?" You ask him still embarrassed.
"I'm laughing about the fact that you are blushing at this. This is the most natural thing for a woman. I don't mind this. And I think I have something against your pains. Considering I now know what their cause is." Ruvik explains with a grin that only broadens as you look away again, still embarrassed. He leaves the room.
'Actually...He's right....In the end it just means I'm healthy and able to bear children. And it's quite cute how he tried to ease the tension.' You think while your boyfriend is gone.
Soon he re-enters your room with a flask. With something like green goo or something.
You raise an eyebrow at him.
"C'mon. Don't look at me like that. You know I wouldn't give you something I'm not 100% sure it won't damage you. Now swallow this. It should help in a few minutes."
You take flask and shut your mind off as you swallow this goo.
And Ruvik was, as always, right. The pain eased away. But *just to make sure*, how he put it, he stayed with you the rest of the night.



Taking care of Leslie also means doing heavy lifting. But the monthly mother nature is like 'Nope' and you wince at the lightest bowing you do.
So when you are about to carry the new laundry in, you groan in pain.
Once you set this thing down, you sit down on Leslie's bed. He notices you and shuffles over to you.
"Y-You look like y-y-you are in p-p-pain. C-C-Can I d-do something for y-you ?" Your boyfriend asks sweetly.
You are clouded be pain so you snap back "No. Unless you can fill my body with morphine or something, you don't."
You realize the harshness of your words and you immediately look up at a shocked Leslie.
"Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. It's just...It hurts like hell..." you explain, curling into yourself.
"W-Wait here." Leslie says and shuffles out of the room.
'Where is he going ? Uhh...I hate this...'
Then the door opens, revealing Tatiana with a syringe in her hand. Before you can react, she injects the stuff in that syringe into your blood system.
The pain immediately decreases and you sigh in relief.
"Thank you." You smile at her.
"Don't thank me. Thank you caring boyfriend over there." She nudges her head in Leslie's direction.
You walk over to him and give him a kiss.
"Thank you."
"N-No problem."


Thanks for reading ! :D
I hope you enjoyed it this far :3
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See ya \(^o^)/

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