Halloween :3

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For once, this isn't a request :D
Enjoy ~~



"Are you serious, Seb ?" You eye him suspiciously.
The detective is dressed up as a werewolf and plans evil things.
"Yes...Rawr.." He says, pawing at you with his fake paw.
He looks really scary with all that fur, red contacts, hell, he even let his beard grow longer.
His usually messy hair is even messier now.
"You know that our neighbors will hate you...?" You say, petting him.
"Yup..." He flashes you a smile with his fake sharpened teeth.
Sighing, you walk back to your couch.

The doorbell rings and you get up, grabbing the bowl of candies on the counter.
Opening the door, you are greeted by some little boys, yelling "Trick or Treat !!"
"Oh my god, you look so scary !" You say exaggeratedly.
"Take as much as you want, you scary monsters." You act like you are scared to death and wink at their parents behind them.

"RAAAWR !" Seb jumps out out of nowhere and scares the kids.
They scream and you join them. Even though you knew Sebastian would pull this stunt, you jumped anyways.
Their parents begin to laugh at Seb and take their kids out.
"Don't you dare do that again without warning me first."
"Alright." He says, smooching your cheek and tickling you with his fur.



It is Halloween time. And that also means it is time for sweets. And for exactly these treats, Joseph searches for like 3 hours now.
"How about these , (y/n) ?"
"Sure..." You sigh and play with your phone.
"Nooo, too much sugar."
"Joseph ?"
"Yes ?"
"Stop it."
Joseph stands up from his crouching position and pouts at you.
"Why ?"
You pull a face and gesture to your brimful cart.
"Are you sure that's enough ?"
"Yes, I'm certain we could feed the whole Beacon Hospital with these tons of sweets. Considering our neighborhood, we will have tons of left overs anyways."
"Fine..." Joseph pouts.
Sighing, you walk towards him, take his face in your hands and kiss him chastely.
"I know you just want the best, but this is enough.."
"Yeah..I think you're right. Sorry.." He apologizes and kisses you again before taking the cart and leaving the store.

As expected, you were right.
Even though your's and Joseph's flat will become the top target for next year because Joseph gave them so much candy, there was pretty much left.
You even gave some to your friends and Joseph shared them with the whole police station.
One evening, there was only one candy left.
You place it between your lips and kiss Joseph to share it.



"Are you serious, (y/n) ?" Ruvik sigh and rubs the bridge of his nose.
"Don't you like it ?" You ask him.
You dressed up as a scary, sexy bunny for the Halloween party on the campus.
"I didn't say that, it's just.."
"It's just what ?" You pout.
You put much work into this costume for him. You wanted to look sexy, yet scary enough to fit the party.
And now the 'party animal' himself seems to hate it.
"I...I don't want the other guys to stare at you."
"Ohhh..." Your eyes widen when you realize that he is jealous.
"I know exactly how we can avoid that." You grin and grab his hand.
Dragging him into your bedroom, you fix him up with a few tricks and he is ready.

You walk towards the campus.
You sway your hips and Ruvik guides you around with your arms linked.
Yes, you dressed up as bunny and he goes as zombified Hugh Heffner.
It was the first thing that came into your mind.
Of course all the boys and girls stare at you.
No one would have guessed that Ruvik would come as Hugh Heffner. Or come to the party in general.

But you are the highlight on the party.
"Thank you for coming with me.." You smooch his cheek.
"You can thank me later, bunny." He smirks, making you drop your jaw.



"(y/n) !" Leslie calls.
You jog to the living room, seeing Leslie staring out of the window.
"What is it ?"
"W-Why are there d-d-demons out there ?"
It dawns to you. Leslie never heard of Halloween.
Of course he hadn't. He was in that clinic for so long.
It is a wonder that he knows that Santa Claus is a lie.

"Uhhm..It's Halloween.." You answer.
"What is..H-H-Hallow-w-ween ?" Leslie asks and looks at you.
"Uhhm... This is a day on which kids walk around the neighborhood and get sweets."
"Why do they get sweets ?"

Oh boy, it is going to be a long night.

Later that evening Leslie talked you into going on the Beacon Hospital party you mentioned during your explanation.
"But we don't have any costumes, Leslie."
"You c-could go as n-nurse and me as a-a-a patient."
You are surprised that it is so easy.

Both of you are dressing up in your uniforms.
You choose an older one; one you can tore apart a bit.
Leslie chooses his old Beacon clothes and with some make up and everything, you are ready to go.

As soon as you arrived on the party, Leslie wasn't seen until the party ended.
Asleep in a corner, surrounded by tons of candy.


A little Halloween special here since I already forgot the 1 year anniversary of The Evil Within..(I'm such a bad person..)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed :)

See ya \(^o^)/

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