They are in a kissing mood ~

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Another very cute request by my dearest friend xD



Summer Sale at your favourite store. Of course there has to be a giant queue.
You sigh and lean against Sebastian.
He wraps an arm around you, holding you close to his side.
"Hopefully these aren't apprentices."
"Hope so, too." Sebastian sighs.
After a while he pulls you in, kissing you.
You don't mind, but when he starts to lick your bottom lip, asking for entrance, you break away.
Your noses touch and you breath "Not in front of the people...."
You are still quite shy about such affections in public.
"Why not ? They'll also know how much I love you." Sebastian says, putting on his most cheeky smile.
He leans down and kisses you again.
You kiss for a solid minute.
People all around you begin to groan and huff in annoyance. Most likely single people (Could be so me xD).
But break away blushing, knowing you were irritating to other people.
Sebastian whines and leans down again.
You stop him with your hand on his mouth.
Leaning up to his ear you whisper "Wait 'til we're home, tiger."



Something is wrong with your boyfriend today.
You were in the kitchen, cooking something for lunch. Joseph walked in, stood behind you and embraced you from behind, kissing your neck up and down.
You liked it, obviously, but at some point you had to send him away because you almost burned the food because of the distraction.
Then, during an After-Lunch chill out, he made you sit on his lap, facing him.
You were surprised by his sudden forwardness (Is that even a word ? XD), but you didn't mind.
You started kissing, your hands caressing his nape tenderly, Joseph's hands cupping you ass, squeezing once in a while.
At some point you almost had to chain him away because he wouldn't want to stop.
Right now, you are laying in bed with him.
He strokes your shoulder lazily and soon leans down to kiss a tender trail up your shoulder, to your neck, right on your beautiful lips.
You start kissing again, tongues intertwined, battling lazily for dominance.
At some point, sleep takes over you again, and you want to pull away.
You put your hands on his chest, motioning him to stop.
You manage to back away slightly, mumbling "Joseph....".
Only to find his lips sealing yours once more.
He stops at the sound of his name being mumbled in a slightly irritated voice.
"What's wrong with you ?" You ask, stroking his chest absently.
"Nothing...Why do you ask ?" Joseph raises an eyebrow.
"Well, you were extremely 'kissy' today...not that I didn't like it to some point.." you add quickly.
Joseph pouts "Sorry that I wanted to show my love."
You both laugh and fall asleep eventually.



This is the last time you listen to your teacher.
"Go to this hearing" he said.
"It'll be interesting" he said.
Interesting you ass.
You are almost passed out on Ruvik's shoulder, when he shakes you awake again.
You whine.
He silences you with a kiss.
You look at him in surprise. Squinting your (e/c) eyes at him you slowly realize why he is affectionate in public.
He is in kissing mood.
'Oh my...' you think.
He almost never is in that mood, but once he is....
Ruvik raised his hand to get permission to use the bathroom.
He stands up and leans down, whispering almost undetectable "5 minutes."
You shiver, knowing what awaits you.
After 5 minutes, you also raise your hand and ask for permission. Once the teacher grants you this, you almost run to the bathroom.
You don't even get this far.
Walking around a few corners, you are pinning to a nearby wall in flash.
Ruvik begins to kiss you roughly, showing his dominance immediately.
And you can't resist to subordinate yourself.
He takes you ass in his hands, squeezing the flesh shamelessly.
In response, you scratch his shoulders lightly, making him shiver.
After a few minutes of intense kissing, you break away.
Ruvik whispers "You are so on as soon as we get home."
You gulp.



There we go again. Traffic jam. And everything you want to do is, driving Lelsie to the doctor.
These talks take 5 minutes maximum. So this is a waste of time.
You stop the car at the end of the jam, switching on the warning light and cut the engine.
You sigh and lean back, pulling the brake.
You look over to Leslie, who had been asleep the whole tour until now.
"Slept well, princess ?" You tease him.
"Of course, m-my lord." He teases back groggily.
He starts looking at his surroundings, slowly grasping the situation.
"Traffic j-jam ?" He asks.
After half an hour of none-movement and one motorcycle sneaking its way through the car, Lelsie turns to you again.
Seeing it in the corner of your eye, you turn to him out of reflex.
You are gifted with an eager kiss on your dry lips.
You kiss back of course, but you stop once it gets too heated.
"Leslie...What's wrong with you ?" You ask him panting.
"I-I don't know. I-I just wanted to k-kiss you."
You stay silent. He rarely got into kissing mood, but when he did, there was almost no way to stop him.
"D-Didn't you like it ?" Your boyfriend asks nervously.
"It's okay, Leslie. I was just...surprised. And besides, I think you wouldn't want to do this in public. Wait 'til we're home again, okay, sweetie ?" You smile at him and kiss him one last time.
And even through this kiss, you feel his desire to kiss you.


Got it :D
I'm sorry it took me so long again, but after that lemon I needed a break xD
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.

Send in some requests ; requests are EMPTY !

See ya \(^o^)/

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