It's your birthday ! ~

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You wake up in an empty bed. Streching you realize it's your birthday.
'Maybe he's in the kitchen..' you think hopefully. After half an hour of waiting you slowly get up. You shuffle to the kitchen. And there is no one. Disbelievingly you look around.
'He couldn't forget it. He just couldn't.' You think sadly.
Taking a warm morning shower, you slowly realize that your 'awesome' boyfriend really forgot your birthday.
The whole day you spend on the couch reading or sleeping. You even clean the kitchen out of boredom.
After hours, Sebastian enters your apartment with a beaming smile.
"Hello, sweetheart."
You don't even turn to him when you wash the dishes.
He hugs you from behind, but you do nothing. You are so mad.
You wiggle yourself out his hold.
"Do you know what day we have today ?" You ask him in a monotonous voice.
"Tuesday ?" He asks clueless, and that hurts you even more.
"Something else ?" You search through a drawer, grabbing your calendar.
You turn to him and he shrugs.
You flick to the side of today, marked as your birthday. You hand it to him and run into your bedroom, locking yourself in.
You spend the night alone.

The next morning you shuffle out of the bedroom. The smell of something very sweet hits you.
Your boyfriend, already dressed, presents the perfect breakfast to you.
You crack a smile. You sit down and eat.
"Don't you want your present ?" He asks with mysterious smirk.
You nod exitedly.
Seb disappears into the bathroom and comes back with his back to you.
He turns around and reveals a husky puppy.
You squeal and stand up and in front of Seb.
"My god, Seb. You did that for me ?" You look up at him.
He nods and you can't hold back anymore. You reach up to kiss him.
After a solid minute you pull away "That's the best gift ever !" You smile and take the puppy from your boyfriend.
"Anything for you. And I'm so sorry..."
"It's ok now."
He hugs you tightly and says "His name is Dexter. It means something like skill...He will protect you while I'm gone."
You nod against his neck and breath "No one can protect me like you do, Seb. But he'll make a great protector"



Since it is your birthday, your boyfriend invited you to a fancy dinner.
You are wearing your favourite dress and your hair is tied up (When your length fits of course :D).
You join your boyfriend in the living room. He freezes when he sees you.
You slowly step in front of him and grab his hand. He lets you turn around yourself.
"You look beautiful (y/n)." He says as he pulls you close to him.
You blush at his tender words. He kisses you short yet passionate.
Some time later you sit in a fancy restaurant. It's a japanese restaurant. You are eating your favourite sushi.
Suddenly, Joseph holds his chopsticks with his favourite sushi in front of you. You eat it hesitantly and do the same thing with him.
The music gets slower.
"Do you want to dance ?" Joseph, who magically appeared in front of you, asks.
You nod and take his, for once, un-gloved hand.
He leads you and you follow his moves.
You pull him down by his nape, whispering "Thank you, Joseph. This is great." You kiss his cheek tenderly, and you feel his hold on you tighten.
"No problem. Do you want to have your present ?"
You pull back and he drives you home. Once you entered you feel something fluffy on your legs.
You look down and see a cat. You squeal.
Bending down, you cradle her in your arms.
"For me ?!" You ask your boyfriend with wide eyes. He nods.
Since then you are not alone in bed in the mornings, when Joseph has to work.



The smell of coffee wakes you up tenderly.
"Good morning, darling." Your boyfriend whispers and kisses your forehead. He places your coffee on the bedside table. And leaves.
You stand up groggily. You shower and finish your morning routine like a robot.
You walk to your class. But you are the only one there.
Suddenly, dozens of people pop out out of nowhere. You are startled but two strong hands catch you when you fall back.
You turn around to see Ruvik. He gets his hands in front of you and you are greeted with white roses.
You gasp and take the roses from your boyfriend. You smell at them. They smell like vanilla and somehow a hint of strawberry.
You raise an eyebrow at the man in front of you "Where did you get these ?"
He laughs and says "I grew them myself. I also named them after you. Since you always smell like vanilla with strawberry."
You make an 'aww' sound and kiss him with the whole class 'aww'-ing and cheering for the both of you.



The sun ray hits you and wakes you up tenderly.
You turn around to wake your boyfriend, but there is no boyfriend to wake. You jolt up in your bed.
You quickly throw a thin blanket over your shoulders and search for him in your apartment.
He's nowhere to find.
'My god. What if he won't find the way back ? His medicine ? Where the hell is he ?' You try to think about a place where he could be, but you can't find one.
Just then the door opens and reveals your missing boufriend, carrying a plastic bag.
"O-oh...(y/n)...W-why are y-you up so e-early ?" He asks, nervously playing with the bag.
"Yes, I woke up a few minutes ago. My god where have you been ?!" You almost yell at him, but in a concerned voice.
"W-well (y/n)...S-since it i-is your b-b-birthday I thought w-w-we might w-want to take a b-breakfast together ?" Leslie smiles shyly, holding up the bag with buns in it.
Your expression softens and you let him set up the breakfast.
Even though it wasn't perfect, you know he made it with his whole heart, and that is what matters for you.
"D-do you w-want to h-have your g-g-gift ?" Leslie asks hesitantly.
"You have a gift for me ?" You ask him disbelievingly.
"I-isn't that p-part of the w-whole thing ?" He laughs awkwardly and shuffles to the dresser in your hallway.
You gives you the beautiful dress you've seen a few days ago while you were shopping groceries.
You hug him and kiss him.
"Thank you, Leslie. That's so sweet of you." You smile brightly at him.
Your boyfriend smiles back and says "No n-need to t-thank me."


My goodness I'm so tire-*falls with head to desk* xD
Anyways, send in some requests. Messages are OPEN :D

See ya \(^o^)/

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