Hot Day On The Beach

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Since I'm on vacation, this fits so great :3

Here we go~



For once, it's a painfully warm day in Krimson City.
So you suggested to go to a nearby beach.
But now you regret it. Every woman in reach is ogling Sebastian. And doesn't even seem to mind !
He is fucking yours !
When he approaches the beach, with his shirt still on, it already starts, but when that thing comes off, you can feel the looks Seb receives. Of course he is an eyecatcher, but it is still irritating.
You just plopped down on your blanket and turned to your bag to get some sun blocker.
But as soon as you turn back to offer Seb some of it, he is gone. Looking more accurate, you see him, being dragged by 3 women towards the water.
You can't believe it. Your mouth agape you watch the scene.
Seb could have sent the women away, if he would have wanted to. It seems he didn't.
"Gaah !" You scream and throw the sun blocker in the sand.
You stand up and walk to the nearby coffee shop, getting some Ice Coffee.
When you see Sebastian walking around, you wait a bit before returning to your blanket.
"There you are ! I was worried." Sebastian said when he approaches you.
"You didn't seem worried when you let yourself getting dragged away." You say, taking a sip of your coffee.
"What ? I wanted to spend a warm day on the beach with you and you let yourself dragged away. What was I supposed to think about that ?"
Sebastian sighs and combs a hand through his wet hair.
"How about we spend a night at beach ?" He suggests and your head shoots up.
"Really ? Isn't that illegal ?" You grin.
"I'm detective for a reason." He smirks.



Hot day in Krimson City ? Party hard !
You are laying on the beach, letting the sun kiss your skin, adding some tan to it.
However, Joseph prefers to sit under the sunshade with a shirt on, reading a book. How this man didn't melt yet is a mystery to you.
Every few minutes some random guys would walk by, whistling and making some more or less charming compliments about your body.
Some time later, a guys speaks to you "Hey cutie, wanna play ?" He asks, holding a volleyball in hand.
You look up and focus on him. You can tell he's a surfer dude, judging by his looks and trained body.
You look back at JoJo and meet his eyes. You can tell he would like to punch the guy to the other side of the beach.
"Sorry pal, but I'm with someone." You say, propping yourself up on your hands.
"With the boredom on legs ? Pretty girl like you deserves some attention." He says.
You stand up, facing him. You lean in and whisper "Believe me, I get all the attention I need."
Pulling away, you wink at him while he quickly walks away.
You plop down next to Joseph.
"Do you think I'm boring, too ?" He asks, pushing his glasses up.
"No...." You nip his earlob and breath "I can tell you are not..."
He smiles and kisses you.
"So, how about we actually go swimming ?" You ask, standing up, holding out a hand for the detective.
He grins and finally gets rid of his shirt, too.



Since the incident in the lab, he is ashamed of himself. You tell him that he is still the same, but he insists on his opinion.
And now guess who is sitting under the sunshade, head down, sunglasses and shirt on, not daring to get closer to you.
You sigh. You want to go swimming, it is hot as fuck.
But Mr. Science insists on staying on point.
"Come on !"
"Why not ?"
"You know why."
"No one here will neither notice nor judge."
"You don't know that ! Stop trying to convince me. It won't work."
"Gaaah..." you yell and walk around the beach.
You see people with acne all over their back, which also created scars.
A one armed man and also some wheelchairs.
'Why is he so stubborn ? There are many people with body issues...' you think.
As convenient as is seems, you also spot your teacher, and a plan forms in your head.
You send him to Ruvik, letting him tell him he found an extremely weird jellyfish or something and Ruvik had to come.
Once he was near the water, which was surprisingly easy, you hop on his back and steer him into the water.
Once he's inside, you climb off of him.
"See ? It isn't that bad." You smile at Ruvik's grumpy face.
He sighs and looks around. Except for your teacher, no one is looking at him.
"Told you." You smirk and you begin to explore the water.



Leslie begged you to take him to a water park or a sea. So you did exactly that.
He is so pale, he could use the sun.
The beach is crowded, as you expected, but you didn't expect Leslie to panic because of the onslaught of human beings.
"What's wrong ?" You ask him, putting a hand to his shoulder.
"So m-many people..." Is his answer.
"Oh boy. Look, they don't mind you if that is what you fear."
"A-Are you sure ?"
"I have no doubt." You smile and search for a good place to lay down your blanket.
You should have had some doubt.
Some little girls went past you, big eyes directed to Leslie.
Of course, he looked a bit scary with that dead kissed skin, but you never mind.
Once you found a place, you put on sun blocker on Leslie. Much sun blocker.
Once it dried, he asks "W-Water ?"
"You wanna go swimming ?"
"I-I can't swim..." He mutters.
"That's okay, c'mon." You drag him along, asking some people to keep an eye on your belongings.
You walk in the water, it barely reaches your hip and you wait for Leslie to follow you.
It takes a while, but manages to get to you.
"N-Now what ?" He asks.
"WATERFIGHT !" You giggle and splash sone water at him.
He reacts slow, but get pretty much water back.
This cat and mouse play only ends when a life guard asks you to get out.


I'm back ! :3
And I already miss the warmth xD

Anyways, I hope you liked it :)

See ya \(^o^)/

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