You move into their apartment

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"This can't be...Are you kidding me ?!" Sebastian yells, making you flinch a bit. First, because it's frikkin six in the morning and second, because you haven't had your breakfast yet.
You walk up behind him, asking "What's wrong, Sebby ?"
You wrap your arms around his waist, placing your forehead on his shoulder blade.
"Our moving company just cancelled this assignment. Who do they think they are ? I'm so going to yell at them, even if I have to call them to the department..." Seb rambles on.
"Hey...relax.." you say as you step back a bit and rub over his back.
"If you call your cop friends, then call them to help us." You suggest.
Your boyfriend sighs and pulls out his phone. After a few phone calls, there are like dozens of people in your old apartment.
"Ok guys. Everything in here has to get into the truck and to my apartment. You can touch everything in here except for her." He puts his hands on your waist. You eyes widen "My god, Seb..." You whisper and the others chuckle.
Hours pass and you are finally on the way to Sebastian's apartment. You stop at a random grocery store to buy beer and chips. For the celebration after work.
Another big amount of time passes and you are finally finished. All the people and the both of you are sitting on the couch. Everyone laughs and the atmosphere is relaxed. In the end, all of you slept on the couch, you entangled with Sebastian.



"My's so early.." You whine and lean against your boyfriend's shoulder.
"I know you hate the early mornings, but the earlier we begin the earlier we are finished." The detective reasons out logically. You groan because you know that he is right. You push yourself up. Since your apartment is only five minutes away, you decided that you can use your normal car.
Big mistake.
After hours of packing and driving not even your couch is in Joseph's apartment.
The said man sighs and combs a hand through his hair. "Maybe you were right. I should have organized a moving company. Or at least a few friends...."
You laugh and slap the back of his head playfully.
It is almost midnight when you fall into now your officially shared bed.
Your hair is still a bit wet from the shower. You feel the mattress shift and two arms wrap themselves around your midsection and pull you to a warm body.
Your boyfriend sighs and rubs his nose against your nape.
"Please, forgive me. I'll do anything." Joseph apologizes for his naivety.
"Ok. I'll think about something. But for now: Let me sleep !" You whisper-yell.
"Yes, ma'am!"
And with that the light fades and you are out like a light.



Now that you are full aged, you can also decide yourself who you want to share a room with. Of course you and your boyfriend immediately sign up for a room.
The both of you have to move into another room.
You gather your belongings. You have everything in place. After carrying it to your new room, there is a whole new problem.
Where do you get all this. Ruvik practically brought a whole laboratory with him, and you know he won't give that away. You also won't make him do that.
So he sets his lab in position. At least you get enough place in the wardrobe. The toilet isn't such a big problem. There are two shelves so everyone has his own.
After a few hours of moving the furniture around you finally fall into bed together. The last thing you feel is that Ruvik places a feather light kiss on top of your head.
"Thank you, (y/n). You are perfect to me."



The time finally came. Leslie is finally released. On one condition, you take care of him all day.
"No problem, Sir." You smile at the doctor as you sign the papers.
"And don't forget his medicine. He has to take it on a daily b-"
"Sir, it's ok. I'll take care of him."
The doctor sighs. He nods.
Just then Leslie shuffles around the corner in casual clothes. He is wearing a jeans along with a white hoodie. He looks adorable in these clothes.
He walks to your side and grabs your hand tenderly.
You walk outside to your car. After half an hour of driving and listening to music, you pull the car into the parking lot of your building complex.
You show your boyfriend your room that you will share from now on.
Suddenly, he wraps his arms around you and says "Thank you. For getting me out of there. For not giving up on me."
"No problem, sweetie." You smile at him.
He leans in and places a brave yet sweet kiss on your lips.
The first night in your apartment was spent by watching all the movies you weren't able to watch when he was still in the hospital.


I'm so incredibly sorry ! I want to write so badly but my school is like: Nope.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. :D
This chapter is written on my phone. So please, if you notice any typos please send me a message or something and I'll correct it xD
See ya \(^o^)/

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