Meet again

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After a few days without a call from Sebastian, you gave up. 'Of course he wouldn't call me. I'm a no good waitress and he's a detective.' You sigh.
You sit at home with one of those totally overrated 'Talent Shows'.
"C'mon. Even I can sing better."
Your door bell rings.
"Who is this ?!" You shout. But you don't get an answer. Groaning you trot over to the door opening it.
It reveals Sebastian. He rubs his nape grinning.
"Sorry you had to wait. I have time now. What do you say ?" He asks.
"Sebastian-" "Please call me Seb. My whole name sounds weird." Seb cuts you off.
You take a deep breath "Seb, do you have any idea what time it is ?" You ask him seriously. Seb's smile drops and he checks his smart phone. 1 a.m.
He laughs awkwardly. "Well it seems I lost track of time." Seb tries to joke about it.
"It's ok. But everything is closed now."
"Not everything" Seb cuts you off again.
"Well, tell me more."
"There is a bar down the street. How about we go there ?"
After a nod you let him enter.
You make-up yourself a bit and set off to the bar.
And let's just say that Sebastian had to carry you home after he drank you under the table.
But from that on you have a steady contact.



After a few days, you are finally able to go back to the coffee shop without looking like a paranoid old lady. You are standing in a queue again.
Everything is going fine, until someone speaks to you.
"Hey. You here again ?" A familiar voice asks you. You turn around in a flash and face the voice.
"Joseph !" You exclaim and hug him.
You are on first name base since he looked after you for days.
Joseph hugs you back and says "C'mon coffee is on me." You nod and talk with him until his break ends.
Joseph drives you home. You give him a kiss on his cheek and wave him as you go into your appartment. He stands on his spot frozen before leaving.



As you are told, you are waiting for Ruvik at the study hall.
'Is he even coming ? Why should he ? He's a brilliant student. And I'm just some girl without any special perks.' You think sadly.
You turn on your heels and ready to leave as Ruvik calls you "You already want to leave ?" He smirks at you. Startled slightly you spin aroud and stutter awkwardly "N-No. I just thought you weren't coming anymore." you frown.
Ruvik senses your insecurity and takes a step towards you.
"What a gentleman would I be, to let my companion wait forever in the rain, (y/n)." Ruvik muses. Again you are caught in his charm. You blush at his tender words.
Ruvik hokks his arm around yours and you both set off to his room. All night long he shows you his experiments and you just fall for him more and more. At some point you both lay on his bed and fall asleep with your head on his shoulder.



After a few days, you and Leslie are close. Or as close as you can be with someone who is in mental hospital for a reason. But you learned quite much about him.
Leslie has a fable for cats and he loves the smell of your shampoo. The last thing was so obvious because he always sniffs your hair when you cuddle with him.
Today you want to take him out of the hospital.
"It's just for a few hours !"
"No means no (y/n). We can't risk it." Tatiana retorts stubbornly.
You growl and stomp off. 'Fine. If he can't go outside, I'll bring the outside to him.'

Next morning you take Leslie to the hospitals park.
"Hungry hungry hungry." Leslie repeats.
"I know." You ruffle his hair "But we are there." You point at a table with a breakfast he hadn't had in years.
"B-B-Breakfast...for m-m-me ?" He looks at you innocently. You nod and he hugs you tenderly.
You both sit down and eat everything you can eat of this breakfast.
Your practical training was nearly over and you would miss him. But maybe you can work here. You make a mental note to ask Tatiana about it the next time you see her.


Sorry if it wasn't that good. I'm still trying these scenarios :D
Please leave a comment and send in some requests :3
See ya \(^o^)/

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