When You Get Drunk~

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This is a request.. after.. like.. an eternity... And I'm not really one to get drunk.. so this is hard for me to write.. sorry.. xD
I hope you aren't mad D:



"Since when do you look like Bigby ?" You slur, pinching Seb's cheek.
"Who ?" He asks, pulling you closer.
After an argument between you two, you ran out and went to a bar. And let's just say: You exaggerated.
Some when this evening, Seb found you and picked you up.
Right now, he is laying in bed with you since you became extremely cuddly during the ride here.
"You know... that guy..." You slur on, dropping your head on his shoulder, drawing the lines of his muscles with your fingers through his shirt.
"Oh.. yeah..." He lies and smooches your head.
"I'm sorry, Seb."
"It's not your fault..." He says, stroking your arm.
"Yes, it is... It's just-"
"I know, (y/n). Just go to sleep, okay ?" Seb says and wait for your even breathing.

Once you fell asleep, Sebastian gets out of bed, tapping into the kitchen.
He looks around as if he's watched before he opens a cabin and pushes some plates away.
He grabs the full Whiskey bottle and eyes it carefully.

Slowly, he walks to the window, opens it and looks down.
No one is on the streets.
Sebastian lets the bottle fall down and smash on the ground.
He closes the window and walks back to you.
Once he lays next to you again, you immediately roll on top of him, cuddling the man.



Today, you, your friends and Joseph celebrated that you finally found the job of your dreams.
"I still can't believe he wants me." You laugh and your friends join you.
"Of course he would." Joseph says through some laughter and you kiss him for that comment.

The evening goes on and on and at some point almost everyone is drunk. Except for Joseph and your friend, who volunteered to drive the other's drunk asses home.
"Hey, JoJo... You here, too ?" You grin as you stand in front of him with a beer, while he is chillin' on the couch.
"Yup... It's still also my couch.." He snorts, pushing up his glasses.
You grin further and in one swift motion, you are straddling his lap.
Moving your hands up and down his chest, he looks at you with a blush.
"(y/n), not while the others are here.. besides, you are dru-"
You cut him off by grabbing his head and smashing your lips on his. In the same moment, you roll your hips into his slightly.
You grin into the kiss when you feel Joseph's hands on your ass.
You roll your hips one more time and slowly, you feel him getting hard under your touch.

"We will be going now ! See you then !" Your un-drunk friend yells at you.
As soon as the door falls shut, you are pulled along by Joseph towards the bedroom.
You let yourself fall down on the bed.
Joseph quickly gets a condom from the bathroom and also leaves his clothes there.
When he comes back, he is met with the most beautiful sight on earth.

You passed out, your head in his pillow and your breathing steady.
Joseph sighs and pulls up the blanket to cover your half-naked body.
Once he got rid of the now useless condom, he lays down beside you, wrapping his arms around your middle.



"You did it again, didn't you ?" You slur, squinting at Ruvik, swaying a bit.
He told you to try out some new gummi bears. What he didn't tell you, is that he made them.

"Remarkable, even at such a drunk state you are still able to draw conclusions..." The scientist mutters as he writes down something in his notebook.
"I told you not to try things out on me !" You whine and you feel a headache coming up.
"I wasn't 'trying out', I was confirming my theory." Ruvik retorts, still scrabbling down something in his notebook.
"Gaah !" You yell. Throwing yourself onto the bed, you bury your head in your pillow.
"What's wrong ?" Ruvik asks, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"My head's pounding... my eyes... the light hurts.... " You mumble.
Ruvik still seems to understand you.
"I might have something against your pai-"
"Stay away from me with your stuff !" You yell through the pillow, but shutting up quickly.
"(y/n)..." He sighs and rubs up and down your back.

You grab your phone and walk out of the room, searching for someone who can give you something legal for your pain.
Ruvik is just shocked.
"Thanks, buddy. I owe you one !" You call after the guy from your physics class.
You enter the room and are promptly greeted by a bunch of white roses.

"I'm sorry, (y/n)." Ruvik says, handing you the roses.
Sighing, you put them on your bed.
"Why did you do it in the first place, then ? I told I'm not okay with that..." You stare into his eyes.

"You know, you are the only person I can trust with that. If I'd do with anyone else, god knows what will happen. And you wouldn't steal my work."
You know what he means.
"It's okay. But next time you do that, tell me what you want to test and then I might say yes, alright ?"
Ruvik grins and brings the two of you in a passionate kiss.



You don't know how it happened neither you remember how let it come that far.

It was just a normal party with some friends. There wasn't even so much alcohol since you already knew what it did to Leslie.
And you managed to fall asleep in your friend's bed with Leslie and the friend's pet.

"What the Fuck happened ?" You ask as soon as there are some more people awake.
Some girl shows you a video.

There was you and there was Leslie. You sat in a circle with a bottle in the middle of you.
A full wine bottle.
"I don't get drunk from wine.." You mutter, but the others just gesture to the video.
Round after round, you had to take a sip from the bottle.
"Y-You t-tasted weird, t-t-too, (y/n)." Leslie now interrupts from the side lines.
"Weird ? What do you mean ?" You look at him.

You hand the girl her phone back and walk to the kitchen, searching for this exact bottle of wine.
After some shattering glass and a headache later, you finally come back with that thing.
You take a sniff and twist your face up in disgust.
You let everyone else take a sniff and say "Rum..."
But it was still weird; you would have tasted it.
But after some talking, you found out, that there were more bottles, so one of them had to manipulated when everyone was drunk enough not to notice.

"I'm sorry, Leslie." You say to him as you are walking home. "Did I do anything weird besides tasting weird ?"
"N-No...." He says, looking down with a blush.
"Y-You might wanted to make out with a plant ?"

You facepalm.


Yup, that's it for today, folks ! :D
I'm so extremely sorry for the current delay !
My exams are irritating and my crush.. well..
Let's put it like this: He'll never be more than a crush anyways.

But due to these things I'm as creative as a potatoe right now...

I hope you can hold up with my stuff :D

See ya \(^o^)/

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