Date time :D

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Today, your boyfriend takes you out to a date. He said that he had a case, just a few weeks ago, and they had to investigate there.
"I swear to god, the steak there is awesome." Seb smiles as he pulls into the parking lot.
He gets out of the car and you follow suit. Seb weaves his fingers through yours and leads you into the restaurant.
"I reserved a table. Name's Castellanos."
"Castellanos...Castell- oh yes. Please, follow me." The waitress smiles and motions you to follow her.
She leads you to a beautifully decorated booth and you gasp.
"Any drink ?" The waitress asks, pulling out a little notebook.
"Uhhm...I think I'll have a beer-" Sebastian starts but gets cut off by you clearing your throat, reminding him that he promised to drive today.
"Oh...right..Uhhm...I think a water will do it." He gestures to you.
"I'd like a wine." You smirk, knowing that Sebastian will be jealous.
"Alright. I'll be back in a few minutes." The waitress informs you and leaves.
Looking up you see your boyfriend glaring at you and you grin back at him.
After a brilliant dinner, Sebastian pays and you leave.
You walk outside only to get pinned on a wall nearby by Sebastian.
He growls right next to your ear " about we go home and put this the next level." He kisses your neck, earning a gasp from your side.
He pulls away and you nod.
The rest of the night is spend at home in a sea of passion.



It's sunny outside and you decided that it'll be a great opportunity to go to a beach.
You put on a (f/c) bikini and wear a (f/c) tank top along with jeans shorts.
Your boyfriend is wearing his swimming shorts that reach to his knees and hang loosely around his thighs. He wears a casual shirt and doesn't bother to put on any other pants. You don't judge him. It is pretty hot.
Once you are at the beach you pull out a blanket and lay down as soon as your put off your extra clothes.
Joseph stands beside you and extend his hand to pull you up.
"You wanna join me ?" He asks, nudging his head to the water.
"It's so far away...." you whine. Joseph groans and quickly throws you over his shoulder.
You yelp and struggle against him, but he has a firm grip on you.
Without any kind of warning, he throws you right into the water. It's like ice on your heated skin.
You poke your head up and search for your boyfriend who's already walking towards the beach again.
"Not this time." You mutter to yourself. You quickly swim after him and jump on his back.
You manage to steer him back into the ocean and you both fall into the waves.
Underwater, you search for him. Suddenly he is in front of you and kisses you, still underwater.
You smile and nudge your head towards the surface, signaling your need for air.
You trot back to your blanket and let yourself collapse on it.
Soon, the sun stands on the horizon. You yawn and Joseph notices.
"Tired much ?" he asks, laying down beside you on the blanket.
You nod and put your head in his still damp chest, listening to his heartbeat.
You watch the sundown and soon you pass out in Joseph's arms.



Your class is on a 3 day vacation and today you can roam free. Your boyfriend invited you to a date. He's already waiting at the mayan ruins for you.
"Hey." You smile and put your arms around his neck.
"Hey." He smiles back and wraps his arms around your waist. You kiss.
"Soo...are you ready ?" "Whenever you are."
Ruvik grins and takes your hand in his. He leads you up a hill. The view from up here is breathtaking. The ruins are all over the place.
Ruvik takes you to a nearby rock and sits on it.
He pulls you in his lap and whispers "Do you like it ?"
You hum approvingly and lean against his chest.
You talk about the trip and your highlights this far. Just as the sun sets, Ruvik sits up straight.
"Hey. I've got an idea. C'mon (y/n)." He tugs at your hand and almost drags you. Somewhen, his patience is over and he gives you a piggy back ride.
He runs into the ruins and takes a few stairs. He stops at the top of the temple.
Ruvik sets you down carefully and you walk to the edge of the partly destroyed roof.
Your boyfriend hugs you from behind "Did you like the day ?"
"I did. But we have to go, don't we ?" You ask sadly.
Ruvik spins you around, locks his arms behind you and pulls you up, so you are looking down at him. You giggle and kiss him passionately



The doctors decided to let Leslie be your responsibility today. So you decide to take him to the park.
"W-W-Where are w-we going ?" Leslie asks a bit nervously. Of course he is. It's probably the first time in years he gets outside this building and to a real park. The backyard really doesn't count.
"We are going to the park, sweetie. Why do you ask ?" You look at him with a bit concern. He looks adorable in his new white hoodie and his jeans.
"W-Well...I-I-I don't know h-how other people will r-r-react to me. What if they s-see me and g-g-get scared ?" he explains. You can feel him to some point. You reassure him "They won't even notice you. People are too focused on their own life and don't care for random people in a random park."
"O-Ok (y/n). I-I trust you." your boyfriend smiles at you. You give him a kiss. You walk around and some time later you see a guy who sells ice cream.
Checking your pockets you realize you only have money for one of you.
"Why d-d-don't you get o-one and we s-share it ?" Leslie suggests.
"You are brilliant." You kiss his cheek and get the Ice cream.
You sit don't on a bench nearby and start sharing the ice.
You give Leslie the cone, pretending you are already full. The truth is, that you actually love the cone, but Leslie looks so happy, you don't want that to change so soon.
But soon seems to be very early. You have to bring him back.
Once he's nice and snug in his bed, he pulls you down and kisses you. After he breaks away he whispers " Today was a-a-amazing."
You smile, kiss his nose again and leave him.


Sorry if it is too short at some parts. *laughs awkwardly*
Anyways; send in some requests ! Messages are empty !

See ya \(^o^)/

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