They make it up to you :)

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I know you have been waiting, and I apologize you had to wait this long...):

Anyways, let's go :3



You volunteered to get the buns for breakfast today. It has been a week since you left Seb drunk on the couch that evening.
"Thank you." You try to smile.
"Heey...Cheer up, Miss. I've got this for you." The cashier says, handing you a rose. A white one.
You blush and thank the cashier.
Walking through the streets of Krimson City, you keep looking down at the concrete, avoiding any eye contact.
You bump into someone, only to be left with another white rose in your hand.
You look up bewildered, searching for a person looking at you or something, but in vain.
You sniff the roses and walk on.
Right after you round the last corner to your friend's house, you almost stumble over your dog, Dexter.
"Oh boy..." You breath and lean down to pet him. You notice he isn't wearing his usual collar, but a white band with another white rose. You loosen the band and take the rose.
Dexter nudges his nose against your shin, wanting you to follow him.
You smile and follow him. Setting down the bag of buns, you text your friend to get them themselves, you have unfinished business to take care of.
You walk through the park and Dexter leads you to the little lake.
"(y/n) ?"
You turn around at that voice, facing none other than Sebastian Castellanos himself.
"Sebastian..I should have known..." You say, your gaze not leaving him.
"Please, listen to me." He requests. With raising your eyebrow you signal him to continue.
"I...I was an idiot. I don't know what came over me. I..It back then...But I've realized that I can't compare this to what what I have with you. I was an idiot. I was and I probably always will be. But...Maybe...If you'd let me...I could try to be less of an idiot..?" He smiles and waits for your answer.
You curse yourself for your inability to resist him.
"Just kiss me you dork." You grin and jump into his arms.



Your mother and you are shopping in town.
Meaning: She shops and you tell her if it looks good or not.
"Do I look fat in that ?"
" the moon, you know..." You sigh and your gaze wanders back to one particular store window. You have been here more than once with Joseph and you always glanced at the 'Bridal Style' shop. The dress in the window hung there for...well...ever since you met Joseph, but now it's gone, like him.
"And this one ?"
"Too baggy." You say without even looking.
Your mother frowns and nudges your shoulder. You turn back to her immediately.
"How about you try some clothes ?"
"Why ? I've got more than enough.." You never understood why women had to go shopping when they were sad.
"Just for fun ?" Your mother offers weakly.
You groan and stand up, disappearing in the cabin.
She brings you tons of pairs of jeans, one smaller than the other. Only one fits. Out of like thousands. Good thing your mother isn't customer adviser. (If she is then I'm sorry xDDDD)
"Mooooom ? Can't we stop ?" You whine. You would have stopped hours ago, but your mom insisted to continue and you weren't up for a fight.
"Just one more.."
"Last time you said that you threw in 30 pairs of jeans..." You mutter.
She pulls the curtain to the side and slides in a white dress.
You gasp.
This can't be the...
You quickly dress up in it, letting down your hair.
You step out and your mother gasps, too.
"Why are you gasping ? Weren't you the one giving it to me ?" You ask sniffing, turning around yourself.
"No, she wasn't."
You turn around, your hair falling over your shoulder.
"Joseph..." You say, eyes widening.
"You look gorgeous..." He says, walking to you.
"Why ? Why are you doing this ?" You ask him, tears welling in your eyes.
"Because I love you. And because I want to apologize.."
"I'm not purchasable. And you should know that..." You sigh.
"I do know that. I...I just...I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean any of it ! I was just furious. I was mad with myself. You are right, I'm not the man you wanted to be the father of your children, but I can be. I can and you know that." He steps near you, taking your hands in his.
"Please, forgive me." He whispers.
The tears are already flowing down your cheeks.
"I already did." You whisper.
"Thank god." Joseph exclaims, lifting you in the air.
Once he sets you down you whisper "But my dad's gonna keep an eye on you."



Since you have got all the time you want, you accompany your retired teacher at a science competition.
You asked him if Ruvik was there too, but he reassured you he didn't sign up for this one. If he had, you wouldn't have gone with your teacher.
There are experiments of every topic you could think of.
Also many about problems during pregnancy. You sigh and search for your teacher.
But he seems to be lost in space.
'Great, just my luck.' You think and sit down on a bench.
"Hello, Miss. May I show you around ?" A voice asks from behind.
"Ruvik !" You gasp and jolt away from him.
"Hello, (y/n)." He smiles. He actually...smiles.
"What are you doing here ?" You ask. You make a mental note to kill you teacher later on for lying to you.
"I'm one of the judges (right word ? XD)."
You stare at him, not sure how to continue.
"What do you want ?" You ask him.
He steps towards you "I wanted to apologize to yo-"
"Don't touch me !" You yell as he reaches out to grab your hand. You both freeze.
"I'm sorry, (y/n)."
You say nothing, letting him speak. Actually you don't want to listen to him anyways, knowing he won't accept that it was his fault. But you let him speak.
"I'm sorry. I was a fool. I was stubborn and selfish and an idiot and an egoist and bossy and so much more. But...I didn't know better. I didn't know what I had before I lost it. And I mean the both of you ! I know, I can't make up what I did to you. But I can promise to change !"
You huff. He can promise much, but the part with keeping the promise is more difficult.
"You also promised to do the best for us."
"I know.." he sighs. "But I love you. And I miss you !" Ruvik says.
'Love isn't everything' you think sadly.
Meanwhile, he pulls out a letter from behind his back, handing it to you.
"What is that ?" You spat, fumbling with the paper.
"Read." He requests gently.
You open the letter.
"Ruben Victoriano....accepted.... gynecology class.... You signed up for a gynecology class ?" You ask disbelievingly.
"Yes. I'll do it. And even if it is just to show you that I love you."
"Ruvik..." Tears well up in your eyes.
After a good talk, you somehow ended up sleeping at Ruvik's again. And your teacher just watched you two talk at the competition, smirking, taking a sip of his wine.



Since you are staying at Tatiana's for now, you also work at the clinic again. Full time.
But whenever Leslie came here for one of his dozens checks you managed to change your shifts.
But today Tatiana called in sick. Probably she is on her period, spontaneously of course. However, you are forced to do his check today.
It's for his heart.
When you come in, he is laying on the bed. His shirt discarded, revealing pale skin.
You don't stare. You quickly strap him to the machine.
"You know what follows next ?" You ask him, pressing some buttons.
"Good. I'll look after you in half an hour."
"What is it ?" You ask, still facing the door, hand on the knob.
"Can we speak ?" Leslie asks, without stuttering.
Your eyes widen a bit and you turn around.
Slowly you walk to his bed and sit down on it.
You look at him and raise your eyebrows.
"I'm sorry, (y/n). I...I don't know what to say. I thought it would b-be the for you if I play the s-strong man. But it seems I was t-too late.
I feel so guilty. If I wouldn't be s-such a baby, I wouldn't have let you done all the h-hard things. You deserve a real man, not another kid." He tries to explain himself.
"Leslie....This was not about your sicknesses, but it was about how you didn't show any will to change a bit. So I don't have to baby you."
The doctor enters the room and walks straight to Leslie.
"So, how are you doing."
"Pretty good..." He lies.
"O...kay..." The doc scribbles down something in his files.
"Let the machine run and don't upset him." He requests, turned to you.
"I know..." You sigh.
He walks out again.
"You lied." You say to Leslie, standing up to check the machine.
"I know. My heart can't be okay, since my better half isn't there anymore..." Leslie says sweetly.
You drop your head.
"Leslie, I love you, but I can't continue like this. Not the way it was."
"You wouldn't have to. Did you hear about that 'ready for life' class here ?"
"Yeah..I remember Tatiana telling me about it. Why ?"
"Because I signed u-up for it."
You turn around.
"Really ?!"
Leslie nods and takes your hand in his.
"I love you, and I would do anything to see your smile a-again."
You smile and lean down to hug him, the background noise of Leslie's heartbeats increasing.


Oh boy...I could slap myself for that one...D:
I hope you can forgive me 3:

I hope you enjoyed...somehow xD

See ya \(^o^)/

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