They confess their love

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It is one of your bar evenings with Seb, but something is different today.
He's drunk, as always these evenings, but somehow he's extremely cuddly today.
At the moment his slung around you, with his face in the crook of your neck.
"Y'smellin fiiiine." He mumbles against your skin.
You giggle at the tickling sensation of his chapped lips graze your neck.
You want to push Seb off you but only manage to turn around in his arms, so you are facing him.
His chestnut eyes lock with or (e/c) ones.
Suddenly Sebastian leans down and presses his lips against the corner of your mouth. You don't move. He leans back again, leaning against the table behind him. Taking a shaky breath he slurs "I like you...more know ?"
In a flash you are sober. 'Did he just said that ? Probably just the drunk talk...' you think sadly to yourself.
You wiggle yourself out of his grip and drag him to his apartment. After a bit manhandling you manage to get him into his bed. The moment you are going to pull the blankets over him, something grabs your arm and pull you on the bed.
In a second you are in bed with Sebastian holding you close. Deciding it would be wiser to let a full grown, drunken man sleep, you close your eyes.

The sun rays hit your (e/c) eyes in the morning. Shivering you notice, that Sebastian was gone. Then the smell of something very tasty hits your nose.
You stand up and follow the smell. After a few corners you see Sebastian, cooking something that looks like pancakes.
He glances behind himself. "Oh...Good morning there." He says with a nervous smirk.
You wave him and stand next to him, peeking over his shoulder into the pan.
After a while Seb can't hold it back anymore and turns to you "Listen what I said yesterday in the club w-" you stop him with a gesture of your hand.
"Did you mean it ?" you ask bravely.
Without hesitation he answers with a "Yes."
Your body takes over and you stand on your toes to kiss him. Seb immediately returns it and brings his arms around your waist.
When you're done with your kissing and confessing session, you spend your morning by eating and cuddling and kissing, not at all caring for all the calls Sebastian gets.



You are currently walking around the park, not knowing where you are going. Joseph is leading you with his hands cupping your eyes.
You trust him and he knows that.
"Where are we going ?" You ask him like the tenth time today.
"You will see." He whispers near your ear. You blush lightly, hoping he doesn't notice the heat of your face through his hands.
You sigh.
Abruptly he stops and takes his hands off your eyes.
What you see let's your heart melt.
A picnic set for two persons and candles and cherry blossoms.
"A-A-Are you sure this is the right place, Joseph ?" You ask him unbelieving. Joseph grabs your hands and leads you towards the picnic.
"Yes. I'm certain we're right." Joseph smiles.
You sit down next to each other.
After a few cute moments filled with compliments and sweet words you ask Joseph "Do you do this for everyone who helps solving a case ?" You lean towards him while you speak.
He also leans in and answers "No...I did that just for you." He smiles this perfect smile of his.
Your heartbeat increases and heat rises in your face.
"And how do I deserve this then ?" You ask further.
Joseph takes a deep breath. Then answers shakily "You're amazing and I-I-I ... I like you...even more than that...I-I love you (y/n)."
You are thrilled. 'How do I deserve this ? I have nothing to offer. But...I love him too. I should be happy.' Your mind processes.
After a few agonizing moments you respond to his confession by throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him.
Your weight knock both of you over and you roll over the grass without breaking the kiss. But soon you had to break away because of the lack of oxygen.
You were panting and look him straight in his eyes "I love you too."
Afterwards you go to his place and spent the night together cuddling and kissing.



After your first learning session with Ruvik, it became a habit of yours to meet on a regular base. Almost daily.
You are together at every class you share. But you only now notice how many classes you two shared.
"What does that mean ?" You ask Ruvik. It was once again a learning session at his place. He looks up from his pile of work. Ruvik stands up and walks over to you, stopping a few inches in front of you. Your (e/c) eyes lock with his magnificent ones.
"It means" he points at your paper, leaning down slightly almost touching your forehead "that you have to exchange X with 3,141."
You blush furiously.
"Besides" He adds "you look cute when you blush. " Ruvik says while blushing himself.
Suddenly you both lean in. And kiss.
It is chaste yet romantic. Pulling away he says "I have to say that I find myself deeply in love with you (y/n)."
You smile and you spend the night together. Just cuddling and complimenting each other.



You wave Leslie a goodbye at the door. You will miss him. You like him...a lot !
But you know he couldn't love you. In his state.
Next morning you wake up. Your phone buzzes. Unknown number. 'Could be my doctor. He moved to another building.' you think.
But once you reply to the call, you drop everything you are currently doing.

"He spoke a whole sentence for the first time in years, (y/n). And it was for you." Tatiana explains.
"What did he say ?" You choke out with wide eyes.
"He went to the doctor and asked if he could bring you back to him."
Your (e/c) eyes watered. 'So he does like me ?..In his way..I think...hope...' you think.
"C-Can I see him ?"
"Yes, of course."
As if on cue, Leslie shuffles around the corner and looks like a puppy that sees his owner.
He shuffles over to you quickly and wraps you in a strong hug.
You both stay like that for a while, your head in the crook of his neck.
"Y-You are b-back." Leslie says, muffled by the clothes you are wearing.
"Yes, I am. And you have a lovely voice."
Suddenly, Leslie leans in and kisses you on your lips. You are shocked for a moment but you soon wrap your arms around his neck and kiss back.
The kiss was shortly over with Leslie saying in a quiet voice "I like you (y/n)."
You run your nose along his and say "I like you too."

Later you hear that you are free to work with Leslie again, and you don't hesitate to say yes.


Heey guys :D
Sooo...My exams are coming up D:
But I still try to update as much as I manage to do :)
The same goes for my main series Piers Nivans x Reader 'Being whole again' if you overread it in the last chapter xDD
Send in some requests still, I'll try to come after them. ^^
See ya \(^o^)/

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