Ice Skating ~

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Request from a friend of mine <3
Thank you for this cute idea :D
I hope you all enjoy :)


"Seb, I can't."
"Of course you can. Just do it."
You are ice skating, since your boyfriend thought this would be a great idea. Well, it was. But you are clumsy as fuck.
You step on the ice. Slowly, you begin to move your feet. Of course you immediately slip and prepare yourself to meet the ground.
But then, two strong arms catch you around your waist, pulling you flush against a firm chest.
"Hello there." Seb whispers near your ear, chuckling.
"Don't laugh at me ! I'm too clumsy." You say frowning.
Your boyfriend grabs your hands and kisses your knuckles lightly.
"Maybe you are. But I'll always be there to catch you." He says with a charming smile.
"My god, Seb." You chuckle with wide eyes.
Sebastian slides backwards a bit, tugging you with him.
You slowly slide towards him. But then you feel that you fall any moment and grab on Seb's arm tightly.
He catches his balance and you let yourself guide.
With his hand in the pockets of his infamous coat, Seb slides over the ice like he hadn't done anything else before. You hold onto him tightly.
After an hour or so, you finally get off the ice. As soon as you are off it, you turn around and kiss Sebastian. He's a bit surprised, but soon relaxes into it. You break away and whisper "Thank you."
"For what, (y/n)."
"For staying with me and everything." You answer with a frown.
"I do that because I love you (y/n)." He says, smiling widely.
"I love you too, but my god. You are so romantic today. What's wrong with you ?"
Without any warning, he lifts you off the ground, carrying you bridal-style.
"I'll show you." He says in a low voice. Oh boy, that escalated quickly.



The lake near your apartment had been declared safe for ice skating. So your boyfriend took you there.
The both of you are currently on the lake, running against each other.
"Watch my back, Jojo !" You shout back at him. He is just a few feet behind you, but he is catching up.
"I won't ! And how many times I said that you shall not call me that ?!" Joseph shouts to you a bit irritated.
"I stopped counting at 20 times !" You say smirking. Then you see something pass you. Joseph.
"Hey ! Wait !" You scream and speed up.
Joseph just laughs at you.
You are both pretty good, as long as you don't have to change the direction and can slide straight forward.
You speed up to your maximum but your boyfriend is already on the other side of the lake. You sigh and let yourself glide over the ice. You slow down.
Joseph already waits for you. He is magically holding a rose out for you.
You come to a halt in front of him.
"You won. You have to give it to yourself..." You pout. Your boyfriend rolls his eyes. He kneels down on the eyes and says "For my ice princess. She doesn't have to win a race against me to deserve a rose."
"Awww...thank you Joseph." You lean down and kiss him.
"No problem, my princess." Joseph stands up and hugs you.



Your sports area has a new addition, an ice field. Generally it is used for ice hockey, but today you are allowed to use it.
"Come on, this will be fun." You try to encourage your boyfriend.
"No (y/n). I think I'll pass. I don't want to have my bones broken. I need them you know ?" He retorts stubbornly.
You roll your eyes. "My god, just have a bit fun. Your bones won't break that easily. Please, for meeee ?" You look at him through your lashes.
Ruvik sighs heavily, but nods. You squeal and hand him a pair of ice skating shoes in his size. As soon he put them on, he is on the ice.
"Are you satisfied now ?" His voice dripping with annoyance. You ignore it and slowly slide towards him. You intertwine your fingers with his and you start sliding around. There are also some little kids from the elementary school down the street.
You and Ruvik always part, but keep your hands together, so the kids can slide underneath them.
After a few hours you have to leave the area.
Ruvik puts his normal shoes back on, grabs his and your ice skating shoes and leans down to kiss you. You are still sitting on the bench when he kisses you.
Ruvik breaks away and says "Thanks."
"You don't have to thank me. Deep inside yourself, you wanted it anyways. I just pulled the trigger."
"I can tell....." Ruvik says with mischievous grin.
Your jaw drops.



The doctors made a therapy for Leslie. It's called the 'ice skating therapy'. I should help to get the winter depression out of the subjects mind. It is literally just ice skating.
"Come on, Leslie. You can do it." You encourage him to slide towards your form.
"O-Ok...I'm c-c-coming over to y-you." Your boyfriend announces and carefully sets his foot on the ice. When it is steady, he drags the other one after it.
Leslie is now standing on the ice, but he isn't moving.
"What's wrong., sweetie ?" You ask him.
"I-I-It's slippery. I don't w-want to f-f-f-f-fall." He explains fearfully.
You don't give up on him. "Move your feet outwards and lean forward slightly."
"O-Ok. I trust y-you." Leslie states and begins to move. One foot after the other. He is moving pretty fast now.
"Ok. Now stop moving."
"A-A-And how d-do I d-d-do this ?" Leslie asks, stil moving his feet.
Well, good question. But before you can answer, you are already on the ground with Leslie laying on top of you.
"I-I-I'm sorry ! I-I didn't m-m-meant to-" "It's ok. How about I lead you ?"
"That s-sounds good, (y/n)."
You give him a quick peck on his lips and stand up with him.
Your arms intertwined, you lead Leslie around the area. He gets more confident on the ice. But the fun soon ends, as the area gets closed.
On your way back to his room he kisses your cheek ans whispers a shy "Thank you."
You grin at him and promise him, that you will do that a lot more often from now on.


Sorry it took me so long..D:
My school project is eating me up..-_-''
Anyways, I hope you still enjoyed this one...:)
See ya \(^o^)/

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