You are sick

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Hehe...yeah...guess how I got this idea *sneezes*..hehe...ugh..xD

Anyways, Enjoy ~


"There we go." Sebastian says under his breath as he carries the bowl with some homemade chicken soup towards your bed.
You are sick since yesterday and you can't smell anything.
"Here. At least eat a bit of it." Sebastian pleads, handing you the bowl. Since you can't breath through your nose, you are also unable to taste anything.
"Okay. I'll try. But it's annoying." You say when you sip the spoon.
"What is ?"
"Being sick. I can't taste shit...."
"Awww..." Sebastian pities you.
"Shut up..." You lecture him, hitting his arm.
You ate half of the bowl and give up.
"Thank you, Seb."
"No problem. Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor ?" He asks for like the tenth time.
"Noooooo..." you answer and go to sleep.
Being the stubborn detective he is, he carries you to the car as soon as you fall asleep.
The next thing you know, is that you are sleeping in Seb's lap in a waiting area.



The sun rays graze your face tenderly, waking you up slowly.
You notice the hands that trace patterns on your back.
"Good morning, Joseph...."
"Good morning..slept well ?" He whispers back.
You hum approvingly, starting to caress his chest as well.
Suddenly, you begin to sneeze uncontrollably.
Joseph backs up and reaches for some tissues.
"I'll go and get ready for work...." He explains his awkward shuffle away from you.
A few minutes later, the effects of the sickness fully kicked in.
You eyes hurt, your nose runs and you have to cough all the time.
"See you later, (y/n)." The detective says, almost sprinting to the exit.
You raise your eyebrow, but decide to talk to him later about that behavior.
After you went to the doc, you lay in your bed again. A cup of tea next to you and the TV is on on its lowest volume.
The front door clicks open, revealing your boyfriend.
He looks at you, goes near you.
You expect him to kiss you, at least on the forehead, but no.
He grabs his blanket and pillow and wants to head for the living room.
But you catch his arm.
"What's wrong with you ? You've been avoiding me the whole day..."
"I...I just want to avoid getting sick, not you."
"Come here. The doc said I'm not infectious."
Joseph sighs and lays down next to you.
When you cuddle up to him, he goes rigid at first, but relaxes soon enough and you fall asleep on his steadily rising and falling chest.


You are in bed. Why ? Well, because a coughing fit decided to get on you mid lesson.
And since your teacher is a bad copy of 'Monk' he sent you straight to your bed.
You lay there for hours until Ruvik comes back.
Finally. Another human being.
"Hey." He greets.
"Hey.." you greet back with an awfully raw voice.
Ruvik frowns and goes straight to the kitchen, preparing a tea.
You hate this stuff, at least since you can't taste, or smell, for that matter.
Ruvik hands you the cup of hot water and sits down on the edge of the bed.
"How are you feeling ?"
You give him a sarcastic look and thumbs up.
"Right. But this time I don't have a vaccine or something. Means... lay down and relax." The scientist smiles.
You groan and bury your head in the pillow.
But it is better than expected.
He watched over you. Came after all of your wishes and he was so sweet.
Once you had your voice back you told him "I could get used to that."



It was a sneeze. A tiny, cute sneeze. And Leslie panics. Hard.
"A-Are you o-o-okay ? What i-i-is wrong w-w-with you ? Shall I-I get you something ? D-D-D-Do you want t-to go to a-a doctor ? Are you gonna d-d-die ?"
And your answer always was the same.
But this couldn't stop Leslie Withers.
He runs around the apartment to make you tea.
Whenever you shiver, even if it isn't a real shiver, you immediately jumps up and gets another blanket, wrapping it around the cocoon of dozens of other blankets.
At some point you asked yourself where the hell Leslie got these blankets from, but you didn't bother to ask.
Because, since Leslie almost forced you to go to a doctor, the same said you should be as quiet as possible.
Leslie even started to hand you a paper and a pen if necessary.
He knows about his weak immune system, but he didn't seem to care when he cuddled you and spends you even more warmth.
It is heartwarming, seeing, how much Leslie wants to make you heal faster.
And with a final sip of your tea, you fall asleep on his lap.
The weird part was, when you woke up in your bed, still nice and snug next to Leslie.
He could have carried you here, could he ?
"Leslie ?" You speak to your partner with a clear voice.
"(y/n) !" He gasps. You finally got your voice back, after what felt like ages.
He wouldn't admit, but he missed the sound of your voice.
You giggle as he hugs you tight to him and places kisses all over your head.
"D-Did I do g-good ?"
"Yes, you did. I'm feeling way better now. Thank you, sweetie."
You thank him and kiss him for the first time in days.


Boy...It took me sooo long...hehe..uggh..
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed despite the long time it has been.

Right now, I can't promise any bettering in the future.
I'm also tied up with DeviantArt xD

If you want to check it out : Shyerue

See ya \(^o^)/

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