You get robbed

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"There is your money, Ma'am" the banker says and hands you all your money from saving it.
You want to buy a new car and of course you need money.
"Thank you, Sir. Good evening" You wave him.
Sebastian, who is standing patiently at the door, reaches out for your hand.
"Hold your hands up ! Everyone !" A voice yells.
You do as you are told, as does Sebastian. You look at him. Normally, he should wear his badge, but the idiot he is, he took it off.
He smiles reassuringly at you.
The guy disappears into the save room, along with an innocent cashier.
As soon as the guy breaks the eye contact Sebastian says "Get them out of here. I'll take care of him."
"But..!" You want to interrupt him concerned. What if he gets shot ? Or worse...?
Your boyfriend kisses you sweetly and reassuringly.
He pulls his gun out and nudges his head to the door.
You do as you are told and escape, along with the other people.
You are standing outside, waiting for any sign of Sebastian.
Suddenly, there is a shot.
Just moments after that, your boyfriend steps through the door, carrying a limp body on his shoulders.
He gives the robber to the ambulance, and you jump into his arms.
"Don't you ever, scare me like that again, Castellanos." You scold him as you bury your face in his chest.



Since you are hungry as hell, you convinced your boyfriend to go to Subway (I.Just.Love.It xD).
"And what sauce do you want ?" The guy asks.
"Uhhm....Mayonnaise, please." You say smiling.
"And you, Sir ?" He asks, turning to Joseph.
"I think I'll have sweet onion for once." He grins.
"Alright, fellas, that's 10$ then." The cashier says while putting your food into a bag.
Joseph, the gentleman he is, pays and carries the food.
You want to leave, but the guy at the door, with a shot gun in his hands, denies you of that.
You gulp and look at Joseph.
Suddenly, he goes at Joseph with a punch right into your boyfriend's stomach.
He flies back, but stands up again, twistes the strangers arm and presses his face to a desk.
Soon the other cops arrive and take the guy away.
"Are you okay ?" You ask your detective, searching for any injuries.
"I'm fine. But I'm still hungry...." he whines.
You laugh and the both of you now get food for free there.



Once you bought the groceries for this week, you already lost them again.
Some douche grabbed your purse and now you are running after him.
"Get back here you idiot !" You scream.
The guy just laughs and runs faster.
Then you remember the little gift Ruvik gave you a few days ago.
You grab the little thing and throw it at the stranger.
It explodes and engulfs the guy in smoke. He breaks down, screaming.
The police you called after that takes him away.
You got the lost groceries for free because you just caught the most irritating robber there.
You get home and tell the story to your boyfriend.
"Oh god, (y/n) ! Are you okay ?" He asks concerned.
"If I wouldn't, I also wouldn't be here." You smile.
"But anyways," you continue "What was in that thing ? I mean, he just broke down like a bag of sand and screamed."
"Do you remember I liquefied Pepper spray ?"
You nod.
"Well, now I compressed it and gave it to you."
"You sly boy !" You joke and hit his shoulder.



Leslie and you just went to his doctor.
"Everything's alright, Leslie. Better than alright, actually. Your stuttering decreased, right ?"
"Yes." Your boyfriend answers proudly.
You grin.
The doctor gives your the recipe (right word ? XD) for Leslie's monthly dose of his medicine.
You wave him, but you are pushed against the wall behind you.
"You doc, get all your drugs you have in here to me !" The stranger orders and holds a knife to your neck.
"(y/n) !" Leslie shouts. He lungs at the guys, wrestling him to the ground.
The sudden outburst of your boyfriend shocks and impresses you at the same time.
When the guy is already mostly unconscious, the security finally appears and separates the both.
You hug your boyfriend.
"My god. What was that ?!" You ask Leslie.
He shrugs and answers "I-I just w-wanted to protect y-you...."


Since I'm standing in a queue for 3 hours now, I decided to post another chapter for you! :*
Enjoy~ :D
See ya \(^o^)/

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