Your Ex Shows Up~

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Requested by @love1Dforever411 ~

Hope you enjoy :D

(e/n) = Ex's name :) (If you don't have one (Like me Dx), just call him Paul or something xD)



This man would forgot his head if it wasn't attached to his shoulders.
When you woke up this morning, you noticed he forgot his gun on the kitchen counter.
"Ugh.." You groan and shuffle into the shower. Good thing you have a day off.
So you decide to bring Sebastian his gun.
After you took your shower and dressed up, you snatch your car keys and drive to the police station.
The lobby is quite empty, but you see Connelly sitting in a corner, talking to someone.
Your walk towards him, wanting to ask if Sebastian is here or on the field.
"(y/n)...Long time no see." The guy next to Connelly smirks and it hits you.
Your ex.

"What are you doing here ?" You ask him with venom in your voice.
"My car got stolen." He answers.
You turn to Connelly and ask him about Seb. He tells you that he is in his office. Connelly calls him to come down.
"And what are you doing here ?" (e/n) asks you.
"Visiting my boyfriend..." You say and turn around, wanting to walk towards the elevator.
"So you finally found someone else who can bear you ?"
The words hit you and you turn back to him.
In this moment, the elevator doors slide open and Seb walks next to you.

"Hey, babe." He smiles and leans down to kiss you.
"Missing me already ?" Seb asks, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"Sure, and I guess you miss this ?" You want to reach for your pocket as your ex calls "She just misses your cock, pal ! That whore !"

Sebastian slowly walks towards him, faces merely inches apart.
You jog after him, trying to pull him away.
"You should wonder why she misses my cock more than yours, then. I mean, there has to be a reason."
Your ex huffs and walks towards the exit.
But Seb can't let go "At least you don't have to waste your money on Viagra, 1 inch always stands up straight !"

After that, he kisses your forehead and you hand his gun to him.
"Thank you, Seb."
"Sure thing. I mean, he misses something great, just wanted to remind him." He smiles and leans down to kiss you before returning to work.



Just one normal day of grocery shopping, please.
Not today.

"Ughh..I forgot the bread.." You sigh and show the little paper to him.
He snorts and walks back towards the bread. Meanwhile, you stand in front of the meat counter, wondering if Joseph would appreciate steak for tonight's dinner.

"Still the fine piece of meat, I see." The salesman says, and the voice makes your head perk up.
"What are you doing here ?" You ask your ex.
"Working here, obviously." He answers, eyes giving you a once over.
You feel so exposed suddenly and you hope Joseph comes back soon.

Like he heard your prayers, he is by your side in a flash, dropping the bread into the cart.
"A friend of yours, (y/n) ?" Joseph asks, taking your hand in his.
"An ex-boyfriend of her, to be exactly." (e/n) smirks.
Joseph's hand twitches and you look at him, his eyes slightly squinted at him.

Your ex turns to you again.
"Found someone desperate enough to date you ?" He says.
Joseph's hand tenses around yours.
"Maybe you just weren't able to give her what she needed, asshole !" Your detective shoots back.
"Joseph !" You gasp. He isn't the type for swearing, especially in public.

By now, your ex's boss emerges from the door, making your ex shut his mouth.
"What is going on here ?" She asks.
"Good morning, Miss. Joseph Oda." He shows his badge and your ex swallows hard.
"Good morning, detective. What did this idiot do this time ?"
"He insulted me and my girlfriend. Good thing I'm off duty today, so I leave him to you." Joseph explains and turns to leave when she speaks again.
"No you won't. This is the fifth time this week, (e/n). You are fired; I've got enough of your bullshit." She says and pushes him out of the door roughly.

"Thanks, Joseph." You lean in to kiss him. Just before your lips touch, he chuckles and cups your cheek.



During art lesson, your teacher decides to go outside.
'To feel the drawing', ughh.

"Now, search for a good spot to sit down and draw !" She says, almost dancing away.
Ruvik spreads out the blanket and you both sit down on it.

Out of nowhere, another presence sits down on your other side.
"Didn't know you had a thing for art."

You look at him, recognizing his voice.
"The fuck are you doing here ?" You ask your ex and you feel Ruvik shift next to you.
"I chose to study again."
"And what do you want from me ?" You ask him, leaning a bit on Ruvik, who shifts again to place a hand on your knee.
"I want you back."

And that's where things escalate. In a matter of moments, Ruvik and (e/n) are tumbling to the ground, fists meeting flesh, both grunting.
You kick your ex off of Ruvik and slide down on your knees, helping him to sit up.

The teacher doesn't notice you, since you are pretty far away from the main group, yet you attracted the small audience around you.
"Get the fuck off, dumbass ! She is mine !" Ruvik yells.

Then, the director walks by and takes your ex with him. Hopefully he gets kicked off the college again.

"Are you okay ?" You ask your boyfriend, who is holding his nose.
"Well, I've been better. Let's go to our room. There are some pills and so on." Ruvik suggests, smooching your cheek.
"Good. I didn't want to be here, anyways." You both chuckle and walk back to your room.



Since Leslie's body has weakened during his stay in the hospital, he suggested to go jogging.
At first, you were against it; working all day and so on. But you love Leslie to death, so you agreed.
That explains why it is 6 p.m. and you are running around the park with him.

You pause at a bench, Leslie drinking some water and you stretch yourself a bit.
"T-This would be e-e-even more fun with a d-dog." Leslie pants, taking another swing of his water bottle.
Once he finished, he hands it to you.
"Sure, but I don't know if we could take care of a dog." You answer and takes a big swing of the bottle.

You hear seductive whistling behind you. Turning around, you come face to face with your ex.
Of fucking course.

"What ?" You snap at him.
"Wow, you changed a lot. For the better I might say." He gives you a once over and his eyes are glued to your breasts.
You flick your fingers in front of his face, making him slowly look at your face again.
He licks his lips and walks near you, setting a hand on your hip.

"Don't you want to come back to me ?"
"Don't you want to back off a bit ?" You snap at him again, pushing him away roughly.
"Come on, Leslie." You wave for your boyfriend to follow you, but you are stopped by (e/n) again.
"So this is your new toy ?"

"She isn't toying w-with me." Leslie says strongly.
"Exactly, you were toying with me ! You looked after every woman's ass on the road." You shout and jog off with Leslie.

"That was very brave of you, Leslie." You kiss him on your next stop.
"Why ? I-I just told the t-truth." He smiles and takes your hand tenderly.


Oh wow, a new chapter xD
I hope you guys aren't mad at me. I just had so much trouble the last few days I couldn't clear my mind.

Anyways, I hope you liked it :3

Check out my Tumblr ! Nick: Shyerue

See ya \(^o^)/

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