You have a miscarriage

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Might be triggering...But somehow....
After this one I'll start working on your requests :)



"Sebastian !" You scream out in pain.
"Hold on, we're almost there !" He tries to reassure you. Even though you sense he is scared as fuck, too.
The nasty pain in your stomach kills you. And this isn't normal during pregnancy.
The car stops abruptly and Seb wastes no time carrying you into the hospital.
"We need help here !" Sebastian screams.
A doctor rushes to you.
"What's wrong ?" He asks, leading you two to a room.
"She's had cramps. She's pregnant. 4th month." Sebastian explains in a rush.
"Okay. Lay her down here."
Sebastian does as he is told.
"Good. I want you to leave the room." The doctor requests.
"What ?! I'm not gonna leave her alone !" Seb rages.
You reach for his hand.
"Seb, do as he says..." you whisper, your eyes watering in pain.
He growls at the doctor one last time, kisses you and turns to leave.
As soon as the door clicks shut, the doc begins. After a few minutes, he calls for nurses, preparing you for an operation.
They roll you past Sebastian to the room.
"Whats wrong ?" You ask bewildered.
The doctor sighs "We'll do anything to save your child."

A few hours later, you wake up, Sebastian on your side, holding your hand to his puffy red eyes, his other hand stroking your flat stomach.



"J-Joseph ?" You whimper.
It's the middle of the night. You were sound asleep, until you felt an unpleasant feeling between your legs.
Once you checked, you realized you are bleeding.
"What is it, (y/n) ?" He asks groggily, still half asleep.
"I think something's wrong with the baby...."
"At this, he jolts up in bed, quickly grabs a pair of sweatpants and a sweater, tossing you also some warm clothes.
He leads you to the car, driving to the hospital immediately.
He even blends out red lights.
You burst into the clinic. It's surprisingly empty.
Joseph rushes to the reception.
"We need help ! My girlfriend is pregnant and she's bleeding !"
"Calm down, Sir. Tell me your name first and then you can sit down." The young receptionist says.
Joseph looks like he is going to kill her.
"Sitting down, my ass ! You will take care of her right now, or I'll send the whole police department to find you again !" He yells, showing his badge to her.
"Okay...." She looks at him, shocked.
Once the doctor took you to a separated room, he starts to use ultrasound.
"What's wrong ?" Joseph asks, staring at the doctor as his eyes widen slightly.
The doctor stays silent.
You look at Joseph, tears threatening to fall.
"I...I'm afraid I have to tell you...that...they didn't make it..." the doctor says quietly.
Your heart freezes instantly.
The doc leaves the two of you to your privacy.
Once he's gone, Joseph drops his head on your stomach, sobbing, your hand in his hair.



"Ruvik ?! Tell me this isn't what I think it is !" You whimper.
Your bump flattens further and further per day. It should be the different way. It should grow and grow.
"I-I don't know, (y/n) !" He almost yells at you.
"I'm gonna see a doctor." You say, putting on your jacket.
"No ! I can handle this !" Ruvik insist.
"No ! I want someone with real knowledge to look at that."
You walk straight to a doctor.
The time in the waiting area drags. Once you are with the doctor and described your problem, he tells you to lay down.
He smears the gel all over your flatter-than-it-should-be belly, preparing the ultrasound.
The door flies open, revealing your rain drenched boyfriend.
"Am I too late ?" He pants.
"Is he..?" The doctor looks at you.
"Yes. And no you are not." You smile at Ruvik.
The doctor takes his time. But you sense that something isn't right. Usually, there should be a few heartbeats. But there are none.
"I'm sorry..." the doctor starts.
"He's gone.....isn't he ?" You ask, your voice breaking in the end.
The doctor nods and the thunder strikes.
"No no no no no no..!" Ruvik starts to touch your stomach, searching for life.



It is one of Leslie's many doctor's appointments and you decide to let yourself getting checked up.
The morning nausea decreased and you want to know if that's good.
Because, according to Google, you also could have a broken cylinder head gasket.
"Miss (l/n) ? You can enter now." Tatiana smiles.
You grin and walk to the doctor.
Once you told him on what he should focus, you lay down, letting the doctor do his thing.
"(y/n), did you have had any bleeding ? Even minimal amounts ?"
"No, not that I noticed."
"Did you carried something heavy ?"
"Does a pot of potatoes count ?"
" are scaring me..." you laugh awkwardly.
"(y/n). There isn't any sign of life anymore. This...this must have happened days ago..." he says.
You eyes widen, tears gathering in them.
"A-Are you saying..."
"Unfortunately...yes...I'm so sorry..."
"This can't be !" You cry, crying into the doctor's shoulder.
He brings you to Leslie's old room, laying you down.
Once Leslie is back and you told him, he is completely silent, letting you cry into his chest.
He has to be strong now. Even more than you are. But he also gives in when a tear rolls down his cheek, dropping onto your hair.


Boy ! Finally I managed a new part xD
I hope you are okay with this decision of mine...
And who knows..who said you can't get pregnant twice ? :)

See ya \(^o^)/

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