god's will or...devil's will

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so we are standing infront of god'swill high school....where nothing happens with god's will more like happens with devils will.....that's what the principal says as .....god would never want to cause a new drama everyday in school ....but thats what happens here.... 

god'swill was a high class school where mostly popular kids study or we can say high class kids study...thats another reason to why this school is always a hot topic among the people...and first reason is the students itself of this school...or more specific the grp..bangtan...

now you will think...it is a group of badass boys or trouble makers??? noo man! ....bangtan is a group that is actually a group that is formed by two arch enemy groups..that comes together when its about something big or to fight with some outsider... strange right??? well strange is the second name of this school...it is rumored that  Dr. strange  got graduated from this school only....

so lets see what's happening today.....

"ughh that red headed bunny faced tailless creature!!! " the himself red headed boy was muttering under his breath or i should say ranting to no one in particular..

"hey to you too bitch..."

"uff jimin!!! that red head-"

"-ed bunny faces tailless creature....i know ..i know....say what happened that made you grumpy in fucking morning..." jimin said sipping his te- i mean coffee...


"okk i am goi-"


"well judging by your hair color any- i mean how the fuck can he call you that!!!! we will get rev-"

"ohh nd yoongi said now apple and cherry can be friends!!! can you believe that mint headed grandpa!!!!" tae said with his wide bambi eyes

"what the fuck!!! the audacity of that mint headed grandpa!!! lemme call joon hyung!!!!" jimin said getting his phone dialing the number...

"what is it chim?? i sw- OHH SHUT UP YOU HUMAN ALPACA!!!!" 


"huh?? hyung are you with jin hyung???" tae asked frowning...but suddenly he heard somethin and snatched the phone while dragging jimin with him shoving who ever came in their way..

"yaah you idiot!!! why you dragged me in libra-"

"they all are here!!!" ta whispered as it was library..

"you mean the whole gang???"

"ye-"he couldn't complete his sentence as they heard shoutings and they knew who they were...

"have you ever seen an ogre???"

"lets go chim.." tae said smirking to which jimin also smirked back.. the students who noticed this knew something was coming up for them...so they packed their stuffs getting ready to leave if needed...

"look who we have here....." tae said entering that area ...with jimin by his side...

"ohh no one just a living mint tree-"

"with a red headed bunny faced tailless creature... " tae completed smirking at a red headed boy who was glaring at him..

"still salty about the morning......... apple??" now it was his turn to smirk..

"come on kook don't tease that poor apple..."the mint headed said...

"ohh shut up grandpa!!" tae said glaring at him

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