coming or cumming💀

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jungkook was in his class when he heard someone talking.....

'hey you know the kim?? one of  the heir of top 7?'

'yeah why??'

'he looks so mooshy and all but damn today he had a fight and rumors said that some one bun or kook was the one to save the boy!!! he over uses his power!!! 

'yaahh perks of being powerful....poor boy was beaten to death!!'

jungkook frowned harder listening to this becoz what they were talking was absolute wrong!!

"hey girls!!" the said girls turn to him fixing their dress and hair....jungkook mentally rolled his eyes...

"y-yess jungkook" one of them shyly muttered, 

"whatever...i repeat whatever you heard was hella wrong. he beat those boy coz they were fucking bullies!! now if someone bully yo, you wont sit there grinning and wanting them to do will fight back thats what peach did!! you get that? knock it in your brain if i heard anyone talking this shit, mark my words it wont end good for you..." till his end every one had his eye on jungkook...

"what she said was wrong huh? have you seen the way he punched?? the poor boy might be dead if his boyfriend or whoever koo or bun didn't called him!!" one of the boy said coming forward...

"well he is like that only...don't rile him up if you can't face him...and if you don't know they were fucking going to stab him!!" he replied shrugging while smirking proudly..

"ohh and how you know that??? do you know him? his habit? or that bun?? no righ-"

"i know my peach better than you all....his every habit..and also i was the one who called him....'Mr.JEON' ring some bells??? " jungkook said mocking him at last...

"you me-mean you were the o-one talking!!!"

"duh...ofcourse...ok  too much for today!!" he picked his bag up going out of classroom leaving others to ponder over their thoughts...


"fuck the school!! fuck this bench!!! fuck the bag !!fuck the grass!!!" well jimin was basically cursing at every thing beside or non-living...

"listen you should not cu-" "FUCK YOU Bi- i am so sorry for my mis-behave!! how can i help you??" the boy just stared at him amazed by his change..a minute he was cursing at him and the other he is a polite boy!!! great

"n-no its just silnce z-zone...." jimin looked where the boy had pointed to see the label of silence zone and remembered he is in library....

"sorry..." jimin bowed and took his leave....silence is not something for him...

now why he is pissed??? well poor lateral has been falling since he woke up....fell at least 4 times in his way to school, fell of the chairs 3 times....and tripping here and there...well thats what happens when you don't listen to your eyes and watch netflix till 4 in morning...

"ughh my fucking eyes are not openinggggggg!!!" he was whining in middle of the passage of the school..

"should we help you baby boy??" it made his eyes actually open fully attentive to look at the voice...

"no thanks...i don't need help from losers..." 

"feisty i like it!!" one of the boys from 5 of them moved forward but jimin was rooted on his place..

"really?? dang it should have told me earlier i am being soft for you all!!!" boys seems taken back from his response but regained their posture...

"you know..we heard about how the kim almost killed a boy if it was not for his lets see if its the same for the park??" this made jimin come he didn't came to know about that...

"wow...thanks for informing me about that, i actually didn't knew...damn is the boy serious??? atleast ICU?? he did make it alive right? cause i know when tae goes feral only kook can stop hi- hey!! i was in between of talking how the fuck you touched me huh!!!" he grabbed the boy that kept his hands on his shoulder and threw him on the floor on his back making the boy groan, others also attacked to which they were taken down in seconds....

"boys...ohh i mean broken boys..don't judge a book by its all can't touch the TOP 7 ..." 

it actually helped him as his eyes were now fully attentive to its surroundings...

"imma call namjoon hyung!!!"


it was video conference.... taehyung jungkook glaring at jimin through cameras, while namjoon and jin glaring at the two, yoongi was sleeping on call, hobi was having lunch...

"so?" namjoon  raised one eyebrow wanting to know what actually happened..

"ughgh midget remember 'snitches get stiches '" the other line was completed by taehyung who had the same stare as jungkook.

"and end up in ditches!!" jimin visibly gulped while jin was shaking his head fed up with these brats...

"ohh god you two!! listen just 6 months are remaining co-operate please???" the brats just pouted making others coo at them except yoongi who was dead as sleep...

"ya  fucking months...." 

"koo!! wait here i am coming!!!" saying this he went to fetch something..

due to some network problems jimin was not able to hear some parts making him shock at what he heard...

"what the fuck tae!!!! you can't have sex on video call with jungkook !! ok you can but its fucking group call!!!!"

"PARK JIMIN HE SAID TO WAIT AND HE IS COMING!!!! YOU DIRTY MINDED PRICK!!!" yoongi was now wide awake with the unholy thoughts that went into his dream by what he heard....

"who is cumming????" poor hobi just finished eating and it was the first thing he said...


"what the hell jin hyung!! what are you saying???"taehyung just came back with a stuffed toy in his hand but got confused to what jin was shouting...and jungkook was completely red..

"ohh god koo why the hell are you red!!! turn on your AC!!!" other were laughing while jin and namjoon  were shaking their heads ..too much done..

" is what i wanted to show!!!!" it was a pink stuffed bunny ,it was so damn cute ...

"wow its so cute!!"

"yup i bought it for you!!! it same as you...bunny!!!!" 

the call ended with lots of grumbling from jimin how he didn't bought something for him...


bye bye!!!!

one shot requests are still valid if you want...



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