the meeting💀

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"peach be quick we have to reach their at 10 its quick!!!" if someone saw them right now they might mistake them as married couples.....

jungkook was fixing his shoe while tae was still inside fixing his suit....

"coming koo....just a minute this fucking tie!!!" he came out grumbling and damn sure jungkook lost his voice....

tae in black vest suit his curves fully visible ...

tae came forward snapping his fingers infront of jungkook making him snap out of his thoughts...

"aren't we getting late now Mr. Jeon??" he asked with amused expression at jungkook's shocked face...

"as you say Mr.Jeon...." jungkook smirked at now taehyung's wide eyes...

but before tae can retort he went forward making tae follow him closely...


they both came out of their car out side the building they have to meet the other dealers.....

"is it the one?" tae asked to which jungkook nodded..both were little nervous as it was their first dealing and it was already abroad....

they both entered and were soon escorted to the meeting room....

"ohh good morning Mr.Kim and Mr. Jeon!!....pls welcome.......Ok attention we got our main dealers lets start the project..." others nodded at the main heads suggestion starting the meeting...

"Mr. Kim..wanna say something regarding this suggestion???" one of the CEO asked in a challenging way as all of them knew they are new to this...

"i think that's pretty foolish of you to think that offence though.....people now a days prefer the quality over quantity and outer view..we can say a phone or any device's outer view is just a bonus...what matters is its quality..its improving its cover and all wont give us the response we need...the speed and storage in inner features are needed to be improved...we should work about its speed and multitasking....many tab's and laptops starts crashing due to multitasking we should look on that....and its business devices not gaming ones...yeah if its about gaming pc or any device then we can talk about its outer view as well...." 

when he ended the whole room was quite....reason? the man who asked him was the senior most and no one dared to decline or oppose him...and this newbie here declined his whole idea....

it crushed the oldies ego making him greet his teeth and clench his non-existent jaw...

"that was amazing of you Mr kim..what do you think Mr. jeon??" 

"i think he said the right a days with the growing technology we also need high speed...not only data speed but working and processing speed too..." all o them nodded accept that oldie...

the meeting was over ..but during the whole meeting jungkook noticed a pair of eyes..not on himself but tae who was completely oblivious of those stare on him...

they stood up and a man in his 40's came forward with a sinister grin to them...tae didn't noticed him as he was talking with another man but jungkook noticed the way the man was eyeing tae so on instinct jungkook wrapped his arms around tae's waist pulling him back making him bump to his chest..this took tae off guard ..not the pull but jungkook's hear was so rapid he turned around to look at jungkook who was glaring at a man  ....that's when he noticed the stare on himself....

he looked back at jungkook cupping his face with his hands making him look at his face...

"koo...lets go ..its done..."

jungkook nodded still not loosing his alert stance...

his hands were still wrapped around tae's waist...and tae found it settling there on his waist till they reached home....

as soon as they reached home jungkook took tae by surprise hugging him tightly sitting on bed and taking the younger on his lap not letting him move....

"koo.....are you fine?? bun what happe-"

"just stay like this..."tae compiled hugging the older back burying his face in his neck.....

soon jungkook heard soft snores making him sigh in relief...

he made the younger lay down slowly after changing his  clothes...

he changed his own clothes before laying beside tae...

he stared at tae's face.....

he was scared....scared of losing tae for some reason...

the man at meeting....the stare he gave, it made jungkook scared of something happening to tae..

he just wanted to embrace the younger hiding from all stares outside the world....just for him....

he was so he decided to call one of his hyung...

" are you?? how was the meet-"

"i am scared yoongi hyung....."

"......"the other line was silent for sometime...

"kook..i am with others and i am putting the phone on speaker...."

"kook..boy what happened?? where is tae?" it was jin...he could hear others voice at back...

"..he is sleeping hyung....but don't know why..i am just scared to even lost him  out of my sight for a someone is out there looking for him....t-they will take him away from me...h-hyung i-i am sca-" his voice broke and he felt something dripping on his thighs.. that s when he noticed...

he was crying..

"kook..what happened??you are crying!!!!!" it was namjoon...everyone panicked as jungkook was never the one to cry so easily...

" at meeting.........." 

he explained everything...from the oldest senior man to the man in his 40's....

"kook...bunny..maybe its your conscience.....don't think too much will be was just one time meet....he wont be meeting you and tae again..don't worry hmm are there with him so of course not even a single feather can touch him...." jin's word made him feel a bit better..yeah it was just one time meet....

"yea...also we are coming back in two days.....and i swear we wont be going anywhere outside the country for whole year..its feel so weird to be outside of your home country....i am already homesick.....*sigh* bye hyung....i am going to sleep now with peach...yeah take care you too...bye bye"

he sighed hanging up..again looked at the sleeping figure of the younger and smiled softly....

he caressed his cheeks before pecking them shortly...

"sleep my peach..hyung is here for you..." he hugged the other as the other cuddled near his chest holding his shirt in his fist making jungkook coo at the sight..

soon he also drifted to lala land with his precious beside him safe and sound...


if you wanna use me....i can be your puppet....

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