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They all were now in a Dark cage, they all were kidnapped in the herd of Alphas as they wanted. As they couldn't talk with each other in others presence, they mind linked each other.

'Koo, any idea where are we going??' Tae asked through link to which Jungkook looked at him with a defeated look making him sigh knowing the other is also clueless like him...

'Joonie hyung?' Jungkook linked Namjoon who was beside him..

'Its a Rocky surface, may be Mountains?' Jungkook hummed in response as he also thought the same.

"Everyone out!" 

They all flinched as suddenly they stopped and lifted up the shelter, it was then they knew they are in Devil's Pack. They were not surprised, but frowned as to why they need Alphas.

They followed their instructions and got down the cage, their hands were tied behind their back making many stumble and fall on face making Jin wince mentally.

"Line up, Quick!" As per command they lined up, lazily standing behind each other.

"Now, we will represent you to out Lord, you all will bow down to him as an act of respect understood?" The lined up Alphas nodded their head as they didn't had any other option.

'Pup, are you thinking the same as me?' Jungkook asked as he saw Tae frowning hardly.

'yeah hyung, I don't think its the Head Alpha. Its someone else.' 

Jungkook hummed lowly to which other Hyungs turned towards them knowing something is up.

'We think its not the Head Alpha, its someone else, may be some Elder?' he said to others who also went in deep thinking...

But in all this, nothing stopped Jungkook from teasing Taehyung, he scooted closure and humped Taehyung from back making the other gasp at the act. Shameless hoes.

Jungkook chuckled mentally as he saw Taehyung's ear tips turning dark red same with his neck, even though he can't see his face, he can say the same about it too.

'Keep it in your pants Kook!!' Jungkook pouted at Jin's warning, poor boy just wanted to have a bit fun in between the oldies.

But still he is Jeon Jungkook.

He again moved ahead and gave a soft kiss on Taehyung's nape before sucking on that spot for next 30 seconds. But that was enough to make Tae a melted puddle. He threw his head back on Jungkook's shoulder.

Before Jungkook could do anything further Jin's voice rang in his head.

'We all know you have Exhibitionism kink Kook, no need to rub it on our faces now keep your Dick in your pants before I chop it off!' 

Scared Jungkook scurried back pouting making others sigh in relief.

While Tae was already done with their drama.

He turned around and gave a cold glare, that was enough to make them shut up.

Now they all stopped their family drama and gave attention to the front where there was a throne but no owner, for a moment they thought its some ghost, until they saw a man in Black and Red cape, his face was not clear but they could see the smoke arising from underneath his hood.

"Everyone bow down to the Lord!" They all did as asked without any opposition.

"Do you all know why you all are here?" The guard who was standing beside the 'Lord' asked that made the people actually question their existence.


While all this questionnaire was going on the seven Boys were in their own World.

'So, Who will conduct abroad meetings?'

'Of course, the one and only, Kook and Ta-'


Well, Jin was deciding who will conduct abroad meetings after they will go back to Seoul, to which Jimin declared it will be the youngest two making their faces morphed with horror.

Where as Namjoon who noticed how they were getting attention, he alerted them making them snap out of their discussion.

"Everyone on your knees!"

As ordered they all went on knees and head bowed. The seven boys could hear whatever whispering was going on but no one could understand that language.

As on cue the Head Alpha of the Pack entered the Hall and shocking everyone he bowed down to the 'Lord'! 

"My Lord, Did you liked my offerings?" the greediness dripping from his mouth was coated with honey making the boys cringe badly.

The said 'Lord' just nodded his head looking at every single one. Then suddenly sprang up from his seat and just disappeared in air. Those who were looking at him almost popped their eyeballs out of the socket in shock.

"Hmm, I see we got lots of Alphas, sadly not Omegas or I would have had some fun. Well Charles I am going then, there is nothing for me here, as you know I am not into Alphas." The guard named 'Charles' nodded and raked his eyes on every single Alpha as if he was searching for someone.

"He is not into Alphas, but I don't mind." Saying this he marched towards the last row and grabbed someone by hand picking him up.

"Leave me you disgusting shit!"

"Uh-Uh! Even though you are an Alpha, you are a beauty. And I love appreciating beauties." Saying this he leaned closure, but stopped and sniffled the air. 

Everyone could catch the change in the atmosphere, the strong Alpha Pheromones were floating in air making everyone's knees weak and force into submit.

"Its definitely not from you princess, WHO IS EAGER TO DIE HUH!" He shouted but in response the atmosphere went more tense.

He decided to ignore it and continue what ever he was doing. He leaned closure to sniff but fell on back by the force applied on him by the beauty.

"HOW DARE YOU FILTHY ALPHA!" Saying this Charles marched towards the man but before he could do any harm he was again thrown on floor. 

It was hurting his ego, he called some other guards to attack the man.

"Lets see if you would be able to stand them beautiful." chuckling he stood up and dusted his hands.

The guards got ready to attack him and ran towards him but none could touch him as two other Alphas guarded the man blocking all attacks.

"Ohh my my! Its a family!" Charles said laughing while moving towards the three who were judging his every step.

'Tae, Yoongi! Its not the time!'

'I don't give a fuck hyung! I wont let him touch my hyung and my unborn nephew!'

'Tae bu-'

'He is right Joon, I don't give a fuck about the plan, we were never the one to follow plans!'

'You know what? Fuck it!'





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