pt. one

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As soon as I see the freckled boy with a head full of fluffy blonde hair, my heart feels full again.

Both running to each other, bodies itching to hug each other after two months, we finally wrap our arms around one another. Felix's arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground, whilst mine are around his shoulders.

My heart suddenly feels like it can beat again. Seeing my not only brother but best friend again makes me the happiest girl on Earth.

As we're so close in age we've been practically joined at the hip, never leaving each other's side. But when Felix went to visit our family in Australia for two months, I felt like I lost a part of me.

"I've missed you so much." Felix whispers in my ear. Hearing his voice in real life, rather than on FaceTime, again makes me close my eyes.

"I've missed you too, more than ever." I whisper back and he gives me a squeeze before putting me back on the floor.

Even though he's two years older than me, we nearly stand at the same height meaning he didn't have to put me down far.

"How have you been? I haven't heard much about my little sis in the past few weeks." he chuckles, ruffling my hair. We start to head out of the airport, Felix dragging his suitcase behind.

"I've been okay," I reply, which isn't a complete lie. I won't tell him about how I felt when he left, I don't want him worrying over my pathetic life. "I'm excited for uni though."

A massive smile graces his face at my comment. "I can't believe you're going to uni, my little Grumpy is all grown up." he teases, pinching my cheeks. He also uses the nickname he's given me since I was six.

Being obsessed with Snow White gave him the opportunity to call me that.

I should be scared for university but surprisingly, I'm not. When Felix left, my confidence disappeared. I crawled back into my shell, the only form of protection I have.

It's dark in that shell and even though I've had it on my back for most of my life, I need it gone. If I don't get rid of it, I don't know how I'll survive.

However, with Felix back, I feel like he's that kind hand, reaching out and telling me it's okay to face reality.

Even if it might hurt me.

"Oh wow, it looks way better in person than on FaceTime." Felix raises his eyebrows at my new car when we reach it. When I passed my license I just got a cheap car as my first one but now, I have the car of my dreams.

It's nothing special, but I love it.

"You like?" I ask as I unlock it with my keys to let Felix out his suitcase in the car boot.

"I love." he smiles and rushes to the into the passenger seat, making me chuckle.

"So, how's mum and dad?" I speak up after a minute of silence as I drive us to our home.

"Good, they've missed you lots though,"

"I've missed them too, FaceTime just isn't the same." I sadly smile.

I didn't go with Felix to visit our family, I had so much on plate that I didn't have time. My anxiety was also making me even more stressed so Felix told me to stay home and get prepared for university whilst he goes.

I felt terrible. I felt like shit. I felt so guilty not going and seeing them but I just couldn't physically do it.

For the next twenty minutes there's a comfortable silence, music plays softly in the background which Felix mumbles along too.

Felix has always been a great singer, he'd perform in front of us in the living room when we were little. He wants to take advantage of his talents but due to his lack of confidence, he stuck to his love of maths instead.

However, I love writing which is why I'm taking both English Literature and Language in university, I had no clue what to do when the time came to apply so my mother said to do what I enjoy and see where it goes from there.

But, just like Felix, I've also had a talent which I'm not confident enough to take on board.

I've been dancing for most of my life, to dancing in the living room to competitions, I love it. But, because of my severe social anxiety, I can't pursue it.

When we eventually pull up to our parking spot at our apartment building, I already feel like it's home again with Felix back.

A few months ago me and Felix came to the decision to move out together. As he's going into his second year of university and I'm going into my first, we thought it would be easier for us. It's nothing posh or fancy, it's just a small three bedroom flat.

Me, Felix and our family were all born in South Korea. However, at a young age we moved to Australia, hence our accents. But because London had more opportunities for us and we needed a new place to start fresh, we moved to England.

We chose a three bedroom specifically incase our parents come over and stay.

I miss them loads, it isn't the same without them. But, I know they're proud of us and all I want to do is make the people I love the most proud.

Felix sighs, of what I think is relief, when we enter our home. He drops his backpack and suitcase near the door, taking his shoes off before running and jumping on the sofa face first.

I chuckle at my brothers behaviour, a 24-hour flight must of taken a toll on him. Which is why I decide to treat him to his favourite, Domino's.

After ordering a pizza with barbecue base with barbecue chicken, our favourite, we both take showers in our separate bathrooms. Since it's getting late we decide to stay in and watch a film, eating our pizza and wearing our comfy pyjamas.

With no surprise, Felix chooses Spiderman as it's been his favourite for years.

Around an hour into the film, we've devoured our food and now we're just relaxing under the fluffy covers on our L-shaped sofa.

Out of the corner of my eye, Felix's phone lights up in the dark room. I don't look as I don't want to pry but it must be something serious as he suddenly flings the blanket off his body and stands up.

"I've uh... got to call someone. I'll be back in a minute." he rushes out but before I could open my mouth to reply he's out of the room.

I frown with confusion as I've never seen my brother act like that before but I don't let it bother me as I just continue watching the film.

I hope it's nothing bad.

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