pt. two

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The next morning I woke up to the warm sunlight, seeping through the tiny gap between my grey curtains, hitting my face. The combination of the warm sun with my extremely comfortable double bed makes me feel cozy.

I grab my phone, that was charging on my bed side table, and check the time to see it's 9am. Feeling hungry, I drag myself from the comfort of my bed to my bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I head to the kitchen to start making me and Felix breakfast. He's not up yet as he had a long flight so I start grabbing some bacon, butter, bread and tomato sauce.

Mine and Felix's favourite breakfast is a bacon or sausage sandwich which is why I decide to make him one whilst he's asleep.

Last night, after Felix's little scene, he walked back in and sat down like nothing happened. I was beyond confused and had a million questions but I'm not that type of sister who bugs their brother with every little detail in his life.

As long as it's nothing bad, I'll let him get on with it.

Once my masterpiece is done, which is just two bacon sandwiches, I place the plates on the kitchen island with two glasses of apple juice.

I also make his usual coffee but I don't have one because I hate coffee, I prefer tea.

As I'm stirring the hot coffee, the sound of a door closing makes me look up to see my brother trudging out of his bedroom half asleep.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, I made breakfast." I greet him and he rubs his eyes before looking at the food. His eyes light up at the sight and walks over to me, giving me a side hug with a kiss on my forehead.

"Thanks, Grumpy. Is this mine too?" he refers to the coffee I've stopped stirring now.

I nod handing him the steaming mug and he takes a sip, sighing afterwards.

"I'll never get bored of your coffees." he smiles and ruffles my hair before sitting on a stool, starting to eat his sandwich.

I join him and we both eat with the TV playing in the background.

I'm my head I have so many questions I want to ask Felix. What if it's something bad? Did something happen? And most importantly... why isn't he telling me?

Felix and I have a pretty open relationship, we tell each other everything. Well, mostly. So that's why I'm so confused.

I take a breath before eventually coming out with it, ripping it off like a plaster.

I clear my throat before speaking up. "Did something happen last night? What was that all about?" I look at his face to try and find anything but all he does is keep a straight face.

I fidget with my fingers on my lap at his silence. I can practically see him battling in his mind, deciding wether or not to tell me.

Finally he sighs before turning his head, eyes travelling over my face.

"My friend... texted me last night." he then looks down at his empty plate, crumbs from the bread scattered on it. "He um, he needs a place to stay- for reasons I promised I wouldn't tell anyone but um... I kinda said that- that he could... move in here." Felix admits and bites his lips, avoiding my eyes like he's scared of my reaction.

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