pt. eleven

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The morning sun spreads a warmth across my face, making me slowly wake up. I take a deep breath through my nose, my eyes still shut.

I think I actually got some sleep last night, I don't remember falling asleep but I did.

Slowly opening my eyes, the bright light from the large windows makes me squint and I raise my head to take in my surroundings.

I'm still in living room like last night. Felix is passed out, mouth open, blankets and pillows surrounding him. He looks so comfortable.

I then look to my right to have my breath be taken away.

Florence is asleep peacefully, one arm above her head and the other is still holding my hand. Butterflies erupt in my belly at the feeling.

I'm too busy taking in her beautiful, fair face that I don't recognise my dog sleeping on her stomach.

Kkami has taken a liking to Florence and that makes me feel even more weak for her. He never sleeps like this with me so he must really like her.

I feel around, with the hand that isn't holding Florence's, in search for my phone. When I find it, I check the time to see it's 8:00am.

Knowing we all have evening classes on a Monday, I take this as an opportunity to get more sleep.

For some reason I didn't wake up in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep. I slept like a normal person and a part of me hopes it was because of Florence.

She makes me feel safe.

A delicious smell enters my nose making me wake up for the second time. I stretch my limbs, my eyes still closed, and I already feel so much better getting more sleep.

Opening my eyes, I rub them with the back of my hands before sitting up and taking in my surroundings again.

Felix has left the sofa, blankets now neatly folded and the pillows put in the right place. Florence has left too but the blanket we were sharing is just now on me.

I grab my phone to check the time to see it's nearly twelve o'clock, I raise my eyebrows in shock slightly.

I only meant to have a little nap.

Turning my head to the direction of the kitchen, I find Florence busy cooking something. Her eyebrows are furrowed slightly with concentration and I smile lightly at the cuteness.

I get up off the sofa, deciding to grow some balls and talk to her. Folding the blanket neatly and placing it down, I walk over to her whilst yawning which grabs her attention.

"Good morning." she smiles and my heart flutters.

"Good morning." I reply with the same smile and head to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. "What are you making?" I ask without stuttering for once which I mentally pat myself on the back for.

"Just some cheese toasties, Felix is getting ready for his classes so I thought he could take one. Would you like one?" she looks at me and I nod gratefully.

"Yes, please." I reply and take a sip of my water. I suddenly feel awkward standing here and not saying anything. She looks comfortable making them by herself, in her own little world, so I tell her I'm going to get ready.

Walking into my small but cozy room, I head to my wardrobe and grab a big hoodie and some blue jeans with some clean boxers. I take my clothes with me to the bathroom me and Felix share and start running the shower.

Making sure to lock the door, I instantly relax when I'm under the hot water. I wash my hair and body before jumping out, wrapping the towel around my waist before brushing my teeth.

Putting on some moisturiser my mum gave me and brushing my hair, leaving it to dry, I get changed and head back to the kitchen.

Florence has stopped cooking now and is sitting at the kitchen island eating her toastie and scrolling on her phone.

I clear my throat, making myself known, and she looks up before nodding her head to the plate next to her. Thanking her quietly, I grab my water before sitting on the stool next to her and start eating.

Sitting this close to her when she's distracted on her phone gives me a chance to take her in fully.

I admire the tiny freckles on her nose and arms, her long lashes fluttering every time she blinks and her full lips looking innocent as ever.

I could admire her all day if she'd let me.

"So, I was thinking we could pretend to take Kkami on a walk when Felix goes but actually follow him." she speaks up which makes me shoot my head to my plate.

A blush of embarrassment spreads across my cheeks but I nod anyways. "Y-yeah, that sounds good." I answer and call Kkami to give him a tiny bit of my toastie as a way to hide my embarrassment.

"Is this weird?" I hear Florence question, to either herself or me I don't know, and I look back up see her just staring at the counter.

I frown with confusion. "What do you mean?" my heart rate picks up a little with nervousness, thinking she might be talking about last night.

"Following my brother?" she tells me and I almost let out a breath of relief. "I mean, I don't care who he dates or whatever. He can do what he wants... I just... want do something nice for him and if he likes this person then... maybe it might be even more special to him." she hesitantly meets my eyes and I get lost in hers.

She could make me drop on my knees for her with a single look.

"Well, following him is kinda creepy but I understand that you want it to be special." I answer her with a small encouraging smile. She smiles timidly, looking away and at the counter again.

"You've always had a heart of gold, Florence." I speak up again, just letting the words come out. "That's what I admire about you." I whisper and she looks up at me with wide eyes.

Not knowing what I'm saying or why I'm saying it, I clear my throat to get me out of this situation. "Um, thank you for the food. I need to head out." I stand up and put my empty plate in the dishwasher.

"I'll see you later." I smile cautiously before putting on my shoes and grabbing my bag.

"See you." she says quietly and I mentally kick myself for letting my mouth say stupid shit.

I give her one last look before leaving the apartment, shutting the door behind me.

As I walk to university, I curse at myself for showing my feelings but also running away from them at the same time.

I have no idea what I'm going to do.

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