pt. twenty-one

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The feeling of Kkami licking my hand awakes me, making me smile with my eyes still closed.

Kkami usually does his own thing around the house but he never misses giving me kisses every morning.

I open my eyes eventually, rubbing them with the back of my hand whilst yawning. Kkami is laying in front of me so I stroke his head like I always do.

As I'm stroking his head, I feel a body shift next to me and it makes me realise that Hyunjin fell asleep with me last night. His arm is wrapped around my waist, head buried in the back of my neck.

My eyes widen a little, not knowing what to do in this situation.

When I made the first move, cuddling him, I was petrified but proud of myself at the same time. I know he struggles with getting to sleep so I made no move of kicking him out of my bed when he fell asleep first, head on mine and arm around me.

The feeling of his hot breath on my neck makes goosebumps erupt on my skin. The arm that is holding me makes me feel safe and I kind of like being here, in his arms.

I know it's going to take me a while to forgive him but I accept his apology. We were both young, I was fifteen and he was sixteen. We didn't really know what love was.

But that didn't give him an excuse to say those things, they've stuck with me for a whole three years. He'll have to prove to me that he didn't mean it if he wants my forgiveness.

Kkami leaves me to go do his own thing so I carefully turn in Hyunjin's arms, his arm still around my waist, but now our faces are close together.

I study his peaceful face, his full lips parted with small breaths coming out of them. His long eyelashes make me jealous and his skin looks so soft.

Lifting my left hand up, I tuck a strand of his dyed blonde hair behind his ear before placing my hand on his cheek. It's like I'm in a trance, I can't look away.

I stroke his cheek, trailing my hand down until I reach his mouth. Running my thumb over his lips, the corners of his mouth turn up and I burn bright red as I've been caught.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." his morning voice sends bolts of electricity through my body and my cheeks flush.

"Sorry." I shyly apologise and remove my hand but he grabs it, placing it on his cheek.

"Don't apologise. I look at you everyday, Gorgeous. It's only fair if you do the same." his eyes are still closed but his words make my whole body heat up.

"Can we just stay in your bed all day? I can't be bothered to do anything and it's so comfy." he laughs through his nose, his eyes still closed and I weirdly miss looking at them.

"I don't mind." I reply and he turns his head to place a kiss on the palm of my hand.

My stomach jumps at the action and he makes me even more weak when he opens his eyes. "Hi."

"Hi." I timidly smile and he snuggles closer to me, burying his face into my neck and hugging his arms around my waist.

"I love cuddling you." he whispers into my neck, the feeling of his breath causes goosebumps to arise on my skin.

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