pt. forty-four

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"Merry Christmas, gorgeous." Hyunjin mumbles into my neck when he enters the bathroom, putting his arms around my waist whilst I brush my teeth.

I quickly finish brushing my teeth, spitting the toothpaste out and drying my mouth, before turning around to face him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, going on my tip toes to do it, I give him a long kiss on his lips.

"Merry Christmas." I say against his big and soft lips and he smiles, placing a kiss on my nose which makes my heart flutter.

"When are you gonna be done, I want to give you your presents." he bounces up and down impatiently like a kid and I chuckle at his behaviour.

Tidying away my things in the bathroom, we excitedly head downstairs and into the living room where my family are. My dad is in his usual reclining chair in the corner, my mum on the sofa with her cup of tea, Felix on the floor near the tree and Changbin accompanying him.

"Yes finally!" Felix sighs with relief. Hyunjin and I apologise quickly before sitting on the floor, in front of the tree too in our matching pyjamas.

The morning is spent opening and giving presents, like we have always done every single year.

I love these moments, they feel so magical and I never want them to end. I'll never stop doing this, we'll always be together at Christmas even if I'm forty.

Felix loved his presents I gave him, and he's still going on about the little getaway I treated him and Changbin to. My parents love there's too. My mum cried at the Tiffany bracelet, she has wanted for ages, that I got her. And Hyunjin was close to tears at the large picture frame, with many different pictures of us, Kkami and our friends in it that I made him.

We're heading upstairs to my bedroom, to get ready for the day, when Hyunjin takes my hand and makes me sit on my bed. A frown etches on my face as I watch him pull out a small black, velvet box from his pyjama pocket.

My heart rate picks up as I watch him grab my hand and place the box in my outstretched palm. Still confused, I look up at him to see he's suddenly become nervous. He tucks his hair behind his ears, crosses his legs on my bed before clearing his throat.

"I know I've already given you presents but... I wanted this to be private because it's special." he tells me, biting his lip nervously afterwards. My heart warms at his words and I open the box to have my breath taken away.

Inside there's a silver ring with a small diamond, shining in the sunlight that's coming through my window. I shoot my head up to Hyunjin and he takes the box from me, taking the ring out and grabbing my right hand.

I suddenly get emotional when he places the ring on my ring finger and kisses my knuckles gently.

"I know we've only just become boyfriend and girlfriend but I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I've hurt you so badly in the past and I'll never have a good enough excuse for it, but I know I will be sorry for the rest of my life." he starts and I place my other hand over my mouth to hide my trembling lips.

"Before we made up, I never knew what love was. But... you showed me what it feels like and I will always thank you for that." a single year drops from my eye and he gently wipes it off my cheek.

"So." he takes a deep breath. "I would like to give you this promise ring as a thank you and I will love you until the day I die." he finishes and I waste no time in grabbing his face and smashing my lips against his. He chuckles against my lips and returns the kiss before I break away, burying my face in his neck.

"I take that as a sign that you like it?" he giggles and hugs me back, his arms around my waist.

Removing my face from his neck, I place my hands on his cheeks and give him a gentle peck on the lips. "I love it, thank you so much." I kiss him again.

"I love you." I whisper, my thumb stroking his cheek.

"I love you more."

With our stomachs full from the extremely delicious Christmas dinner, me and Hyunjin decide to go for a late night drive.

Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my family, but we felt like we needed an hour or two with just the two of us.

We're greeted by the slightly chilly air once we head outside but it soon disappears when we jump into my car, Hyunjin in the drivers seat like always. His hand finds its way to my thigh when he starts driving and my heart flips at the feeling.

I hold his hand with both of mine, tracing the veins and twisting the rings on his fingers.

"I love it when you do that." Hyunjin tells me, eyes focused on the road.

A smile makes its way onto my face as I lightly trace a vein going across his wrist and up his forearm. Goosebumps erupt on his skin which makes me smirk a little, feeling proud of myself that I have this affect on him.

We drove around for about an hour before we decided to park in a secluded area, on a small hill which gives us a view of Sydney below us. As it's nearing the end of the day, the sky is painted with beautiful oranges and reds.

Unbuckling my seatbelt, I climb over the console and sit on Hyunjin's lap. He instantly wraps his arms around me, placing a kiss on my temple whilst doing so.

"I love you." slips out of my mouth and breaks the comfortable silence in the car.

His arms tighten around my body at my words. "I love you too, Gorgeous." he uses the nickname which never fails to make butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Leaning up, I place a kiss on his lips but when I pull away he pouts and pulls me back. I giggle through the kiss, the corner of his lips turning upwards at it, but I soon stop when the kiss turns more passionate.

To get more comfortable, I turn so I'm facing him and straddle him. My hands find their way to his face whilst his go to my hips. When I deepen the kiss with my tongue, his grip on my hips tighten.

Pulling away so we don't get carried away, I place a delicate kiss on his nose before placing one on his forehead, cheeks and chin. He laughs my actions before whispering, "You're cute."

We cuddle in the car with the view of the sunset, before heading back home once it becomes darker.

When we walk through the front door, we see my parents cuddled up of the sofa watching a film like usual. Felix and Changbin aren't in the living room so we assume they're in Felix's room.

Me and Hyunjin do the same, making some hot chocolates before heading upstairs. We change into our matching pyjamas, brush our teeth and jump into my bed.

I turn my TV on and search for a Christmas film we can watch, ending up with Nativity!

As soon as we finish our drinks, we get under the covers and carry on watching the film. Hyunjin surprises me when he lays his head on my chest, his leg crossing over mine.

I run my fingers through his hair, making him hum in comfort before we end up falling asleep together.

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