pt. eight

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A strong smell of coffee enters my nose when I enter the café on a Monday afternoon. The warmth wraps around me like a blanket, inviting me more in. It's not as busy today as it's after classes which I like more.

Today I've come to get a job, I need one if I want to earn my own money. I saw that the café I went to last week is offering jobs so I thought that was perfect first job.

I walk up to the counter to be greeted by a boy with blond hair. "Hey, what can I get you?" he asks and I instantly recognise his Australian accent. He smiles, dimples appearing on the side of his mouth.

"Hi, I saw that this place is offering jobs. I was wondering if I could apply?" I wring my hands together, feeling nervous.

He nods. "Of course, just give me a moment." he smiles again and walks off, leaving me alone at the counter.

Minutes later he returns with an older looking man, who I assume is the manager, and leaves us two whilst he serves a customer.

"Hello, I'm Mr Bang. You would like to apply for a job here?" the manager checks and I nod.

"Perfect, I'll just ask you some simple questions." he informs me and I gulp. I shouldn't be nervous applying for a café job.

"Can you make tea?" he asks and I frown a little with confusion.


"Coffee?" he asks again.


"When can you start?" he asks and a massive smile graces my face.

"Um, tomorrow?" I answer, fiddling with the strap of my bag.

"Perfect." he smiles and the same dimples, like the boy earlier has, appear.

When I enter my home, kicking my shoes off and placing my bag near the door, I rush to living room in hope of seeing my brother.

I'm in luck when I catch him playing on the PlayStation and I dive on him.

"Hey! I'm playing here!" he shouts, trying to move around to see the TV screen.

"I have news!" I shake his shoulders and he still attempts to get me off so he can play his game.

"I got a job!" I beam when he doesn't reply and his wide eyes shoot to me, his game instantly abandoned.

"Really? Where?" his voice is full of shock when he asks. He quickly pauses him game, placing his controller on the coffee table before turning to me, sitting cross-legged.

"At the café down the road. It was so easy, he only asked if I could make tea or coffee." I can't hide the huge smile on my face.

Felix gives me a huge smile back, grabbing me to wrap me in a hug. "I'm proud of you sis, well done. I know it's not easy for you."

"Thank you." I whisper but before I could say anymore we both hear the front door open and we turn our heads to see Hyunjin strolling through.

He stops when he sees me, bags full of food in his hands. He smiles a little before holding them up to us, gesturing to them. "I went shopping for us."

"Aw thanks man, you're a life saver." he gives Hyunjin a thumbs up before turning back to the TV, grabbing the controller and starting his game again.

"Flo, help him will you?" Felix asks and I shoot my head to him.

"W-why can't you?" I whisper and he looks at me, pointing his controller to the TV.

"I'm busy, duh." he says and turns back to the TV.

I sigh, knowing I'm not going to get out of this, and get up to head to the kitchen. Hyunjin is busy taking a few bits out of one bag of many and I clear my throat.

"Need any help?" I ask and he jumps, looking like I scared the soul out him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I awkwardly smile and fiddle with my fingers in front of me.

"No, it okay." he chuckles breathlessly. "Didn't expect you, that's all. And um... yes please, if you don't mind." he replies, running a hand through his hair and I nod grabbing one bag and start unpacking it.

We don't talk whilst we do this, me feeling too awkward and scared too.

After he came into my room and handed me some lunch, I didn't know what to do. My heart was racing and I was so annoyed and angry at myself for letting my guard down.

I need to keep my distance if I don't want to get hurt for the second time. All these little things like placing blankets on me or giving me food, it's making me question wether he's just being nice or there's more to it.

Or he could be doing it to hurt you again. 

I quickly shake that thought away, absolutely hating the idea of Hyunjin getting close to me hurt me again.

If he does, I genuinely don't know if I'll be able to stay here.

My heart nearly jumps out of my chest when I feel his large hands suddenly on my waist. Because I'm near the fridge I'm in the way, so he gently moves me to the side to get to it.

When his hands leave my waist, the area where they were still burns. Butterflies in my stomach almost make me feel sick and I suddenly can't breathe the air around me.

I take a peek at Hyunjin but he looks calm, acting like that never happened. However, I know for a fact my face has gone so red that I don't know how I'll hide it.

Distracting myself, I continue to unpack the shopping. Hyunjin still looks calm and moves around the kitchen, humming to a tune I don't know.

After that little moment, it's left me wanting more. I want him to touch my like that, hold me like that.

Every time I'm around him, all I want is his lips on mine. I want to feel how soft they are and how they could make me feel weak.

I want to run my hands through his long hair, scratching his scalp in a calming manner whilst we watch a film making him nearly fall asleep.

I want to hold his hand, tracing the veins or playing with silver rings he always wears.

I want to wrap my arms around his broad shoulders to hug him. Going on my tiptoes as his large height towers over me and him snuggling his face in the crook of my neck.

I want it all with him.

But after what he said three years ago, I know he wouldn't want it with me.

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